Chapter 19

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Les étreintesfonttourner le monde–Tee ;)

Tony has signed on.

Clint has signed on.

Natasha has signed on.

Loki has signed on.

Clint: it was crazy

Tony: So you telling me we fought a chicken!

Clint: Yea it fell it some radioactive mess.

Tony: Awe man!

Natasha: Next time think twice before drinking.

Tony: I blame Loki!

Loki: What? Why?

Clint: No explanations needed its not my fault!

Loki: Stark explain.

Clint: Nat, he doesn't blame mee!

Fury has signed on.

Tony: I'm sure I changed the pass. O. O

Fury: TonyfudgingStark. Not that hard.

Clint: Haha.

Fury: Stark explain your self!

Tony: It was completely Loki's fault sir.

Fury: Ok.

Tony: You accept that?

Fury: The incident must have been his fault some how.

Loki: I pass the blame to Clint.

Clint: What!

Bruce has signed on.

Clint: I pass the blame to Bruce!

Bruce: Pardon?

Fury: I blame you all. I thought you were a team.

Natasha: I have subtracted my self from that.

Fury: Stark, did you get Phil's message?

Tony: No we were playing telephone Bruce should have told me!

Bruce: Loki told me that he wanted to ask you to help him clean turtles off the ship.

Loki: Thor told me that.

Fury: Can't get anything right.

Tony: Bruce, you're fired!

Bruce: Oh?

Fury: Stark! Get your ass up here.

Tony: Oh kay!

Tony has signed off.

Bruce: Director Fury, want to see his drunken moment?

Fury: Send it to me.

Fur has signed off.

Steve has signed on.

Clint: You need to get on more Cap.

Steve: I have better things to do than stay on here all day.

Loki: Like what knitting?

Clint: Hahahaha.

Steve: So you got jokes.

Clint: Tony is missing the fun.

Natasha: Clint you don't want me to tell them what I saw you doing.

Clint: o. o you wouldn't.

Natasha: Sure?

Bruce: What did he do?

Natasha: It involves bubbles and paint.

Steve: Sounds odd.

Bruce: Lmao. Fury wants us to join Tony.

Steve: Roger that.

Clint: Ha puns.

Clint has signed off.

Steve has signed off.

Natasha has signed off.

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