Chapter 25

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"Okay, here is how this is gonna go. You are going to lay there we are going to tell- Loki get out!"


"I want him to stay Mr. Clint."

"Unless he is going to help with this story I see no need for him to stay."

"I do Mr. Tony and if he leaves I won't go to sleep."

"Ugh. Fine okay sit here while we go change."

Tony grabbed Clint and Loki's arm and lead them to a rack he set up.

"Loki you have the choice between a bear or a dragon."

"I will choose the dragon."

"Okes, Clint you have the choice between the princess or the maid."

"What! Why do I have to be a girly figure?"

"Because I have to be the bear and there is only three of us."

"Go get one of the girls!"

"No, now get dress princess so I can go get a drink!"

After about 10 minutes they walked back out fully dressed, Sapphire sat wide-awake waiting.

Clint pouting walked up front in a pink dress with ruffles at the bottom.

Sapphire giggled madly.

Tony chuckled at the dragon hat Loki had put on. "Okay lets begin."

Loki went and sat in a chair, but Clint hoisted him back up.

"Once there was a handsome princess wondering through the forest. Twirling and dancing."

Clint sighed and began slowly spinning in a circle.

Tony had to stop and laugh but he continued.

"During the princesses spinning along came a dragon roaring with all his might!"

Loki walked up to Clint and roared. "Roar."

Clint broke character and laughed in Loki face.

Loki sneered and jumped on Clint.

Sapphire clapped happily and giggled.

Tony sighed. "Along came a bear to break up the manly princess and girly dragon."

Tony jumped on Loki who tossed Clint at him. "Away bear."

Clint turned and picked up Loki. " I will beat a dude with another dude!"

During their argument, Sapphire closed her eyes.

"Mr. Tony! Please finish this story again tomorrow night!"

Tony pushed Clint down and smiled at Sapphire.

They changed and Tony walked into Steve's room.

"Cap, we have a problem.

"What's that?

"Loki ripped my jacket, look!"

"Tony get out!"

"The would involve a lot of walking and my problem unsolved."

"Stark get out now."


Tony slammed the door. "Um i think Bruce is back."

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