Chapter 27

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Sapphire chuckled and in her best deep voice said. "C'mon Barbie let's go party!"

Steve smiled, he really did enjoy spending time with her. Suddenly his phone began to ring.


"Rogers I will be arriving around noon to take Sapphire home."

"Oh. Okay."


Steve looked at Sapphire, who yawned again.

Steve looked at the door Tonys voice could be heard once more.

"Oh! So now you calm down! Ain't that some bull. DOES ANYBODY IN THIS HOUSE CARE ABOUT ME!"

Steve sighed and walked into the hall, along with Natasha and Pepper.

Pepper frowned. "Why are you shouting?"

Tony gaped at her. "We have been screaming for the past hour and-"

Clint cleared his throat. " If I remember right YOU were the only one screaming."

Loki chuckled.

"You scream when there isn't enough toilet paper, so how would we have known." Natasha stated.

Tony crossed his arms and began to pout. "I don't even care. Rage quit."

Steve stepped up to the front "Hey guys Sapphire will be getting picked up tomorrow at noon."

"What!" Everyone but Loki shouted.

Clint and Tony exchanged looks. "Then lets make her last moments here epic."

Sapphire skipped out of Steve's room. " I heard the word epic."

Bruce left the room and returned in 5 minutes with a new outfit on.

Tony put his hand out. "Who is ready for an epic night?!"

Everyone put their hands on Tonys. Loki just stared.

"Loki I will punch you in the back of your face."

Sapphire chuckled and Loki put his hand in.

10 minutes later...


Tony jumped on a fort he assumed was Clints.

As soon as he landed he was attacked with pillows.

Loki rolled his eyes and took a sip of his his drink.

He immediately spit it out. "What is this?!"

Clint began laughing and fell over the couch.

Loki threw the cup at him, but it hit Pepper.

Sapphire chuckled madly and grabbed her a cup, she tossed the cup in Tonys face.

"It burns!"

Bruce sniffed one of the cups. "I smell cough syrup and ...Toothpaste and a hint of..what is that.?"

"Cinnamon!" Clint said in between chuckles.

Pepper grabbed some scissors and chased Loki around the room.

Loki yelp and ran behind Natasha. "I will tell Thor!"

She glared at him and Natasha smirked. She grabbed his arms and held him down.

He shut his eyes tight.

Clint looked at bruce and jumped on him. "Clint smash!"

Sapphire sat on the couch and watched the scene.

"Who is going to clean this up?" Steve complained

Tony splashed water on his face. "Bedtime!"

Sapphire was already asleep on the couch.

Loki was in a corner holding on to a piece of his hair.

The next morning everyone was waiting for Fury.

Fury walked in and was greeted with an big hug from Sapphire.

"Nicky! I had so much fun I want them to watch me more often."

He smiled at her but frowned at them. "How was she?"

Tony opened his mouth to speak but was cut of by pepper. "She was perfect."

Sapphire smiled, then took a big gulp of air. "Yea! see when i first got her that guy over there."

She pointed at Loki. "He was a meanie but don't worry sir i handled it . Then he was like I don't care and stuff." She said using her best Loki impression.

"So i was like you should then Tony said a bad word and i was like ooo then next thing i know i was typing then Brucey got hungry and turned into that cute thing and Steve and I were playing dollies when BAM! pillow fight and toothpaste everywhere."

She ended her rant with an innocent smile and looked at Fury.

"Seems like you had fun, but tell me that story again later okay?"

She nodded and went and gave everyone a hug. "Bye bye!"

Tony and Clint looked at each other and bust out laughing.

"We are going to get it later I blame Tony." Natasha groaned.

Steve just sighed. "I'm going to take a nap."

He could hear Tony and Clints laughter from his room.

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