7 Bad Couples

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Why is it every time I turn the corner someone is looking at me?

A pair of calloused hands grip my shirt collar. This is new.

"You think you're such a badass," the nameless meathead snarls in my face. He isn't worth my time, but if it's a fight he wants it's a fight he'll get.

"Correction," I chuckle, "I know I'm a badass."

He spits on my face. I wipe it away quickly. I know that dangerous glint is in my eye and I know he's about to regret even being the same species as me.

"You can't seriously think anyone is afraid of you, or your little fuck toy. You're nothing."

He smirks down at me and I take it as my opening to knock it off his face he staggers back and aimlessly punches. I jab his lower stomach and he falls onto his back. I climb on top of him, and just as I'm about to knock the rest of the kid's baby teeth when our lovely principal makes herself known.

She's an incredibly obese woman with grease stains on everything she owns.

"Nico Reed, it's a pleasure."

I stand from my previous position to shake her hand like I wasn't about to kill the fucker with it. "Oh please, don't make me blush."

She ushers me into her office. Zosia sits at her desk with a lit cigarette between her lips and a bottle of diet Pepsi.

The principal grinds her teeth. "Miss Beer, please move from my seat."

"It's the comfiest seat in the house!" She smirks when she sees me. "Thanks, Missus Greene, you brought me a present! You shouldn't have!"

Little Zo sways over to me and presses a kiss to my lips. Missus Greene chokes on her saliva.

"You two--?"

My baby girl shakes her head. "No ma'am, it's not what you think. We're just physical."

I think the principal threw up a little in her mouth. I wrap an arm around her shoulders. We're both told to sit in the chairs in front of the desk. We all settle down.

"Okay," she starts with a sarcastic smile, " since it's the beginning of your final year here I'll be nice. Both of you have detention for three weeks." She writes our detention slips and passes back to class.

We leave the office and Zosia untangles our hands. As she's about to turn the opposite way I grip her shoulder.

"Hey," I say softly. Once she turns to face me again I bury both of my hands in my front pockets, "did you mean what you said back there?"

"Yes, her chair is indeed--."

My eyes roll. "Not that, I mean that we're purely physical."

She hesitates. I'll take that as a good sign. "Y-Yes?" Sounds like a motherfucking question to me. Liar, liar pants on fire.

I hum, a smirk on my face. She pulls down the skirt she's wearing and huffs. She stomps down the hall, no doubt muttering how much she 'hates' me.

No matter what she says, she's mine.


Lunch is awkward. Everyone saw Zosia and I fuck, and now everyone is looking strangely at us.

They all saw my cöck but they're more embarrassed about it than I am.

My baby girl finally makes her presence known when she plops down on the seat beside me. She immediately pulls out her phone when she senses the awkwardness. I pry the object away from her.


I quiet her with my lips. The entire place gets silent. Oh yeah, forgot that everyone saw me smash. She glares at me, those blue eyes becoming little slits.

She's hot.

"Well, this is awkward," J announces. The others that occupy the table avoid joining the conversation. "Let's just admit it-- we saw them fuck. Big deal, they're fwb."

Nicole glares at Zosia from across the table. My girl, being the bigger person, ignores the petty looks from the fake blonde. She tries, almost desperately, to reach for her phone but compared to my six foot one frame she's a magget.

"Jump," I coo teasingly, "you want it so bad jump for it."

The most horrified expression crosses her face. "I'm wearing a skirt."

"Even better." She slaps my chest, crosses her arms, and pouts. My smirk wavers.

"Don't do it," Weeze mumbles, "don't give in."

Her blue eyes widen and her tongue wets her pouty lips. Without a thought I toss her over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes. She squeals and digs her nails into my back. With a smack to her ass I collect both of our things.

"Ni-Co!" She giggles as I walk out the school with her over my shoulder. "Put me down, coconut!"

"Coconut huh? Well if I'm a coconut then you're a monkey."

"A monkey?" She breathes, "where'd you get that?"

"'Cuz you go crazy for my banana."

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