22 Bad Couples

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I stand stunned. She looks stunning. Her short hair is curled and she has on less makeup than she usually wears but I love it. The dress she's sporting does her body justice. It follows every curve, every dip. It stretches across her big belly but seems to make the rest of her body look slimmer.

She's absolutely beautiful pregnant and every doubt I've ever had about having this baby disappears.

I had to convince her to go to prom with me. Neither of us are school gathering kind of people, but Nicole kept pounding into my head to ask her. Since they've become such good friends over the last eight months I couldn't say no. Like always, Zosia fought me to the point that she pulled her earrings off and crouched into her fighting position.

I told her I wasn't going to fight my seven months pregnant girlfriend. She called me a wuss.

"Let's go," Zo grumbles. Weeze slides into the picture by cupping Nicole's ass. One day they ended up in bed together and they've been inseparable ever since. J has Janet on his arm. Grohl is waiting in the limo, most likely making out with her.

I grab her hand, but before mine envelopes hers she makes sure to pinch my ass for 'wearing such tight pants around her'.


"I'm horny."

Zosia sighs and sits down to give her feet a break. Even she can't deny she's having fun. Grohl picked her up and danced with her then set her down on the floor. And because of her tiny frame and the big stomach she now has it was hilarious watching her try to get up. Of course I pulled her up after only a minute.

"Like super horny."

"This entire pregnancy you've been too irritable for sex. Now that's all you talk about."

She glares up at me. "So."

I'm cut off by the loud throat clearing of our very own Principal Greene. She looks greasy under the spotlight but nobody has the balls to tell her. Even I don't want to get expelled a week before I graduate.

"If I can get your attention," she bellows, "I'd like to announce prom king and queen." A cheers follow. Zosia sits back, bored. I smirk over at her. I know for a fact she's going to get queen. She's the most popular girl around. The envelope is torn open. "This year's prom queen is. . . this won't open--! Oh there it goes. It's-- oh, Zosia Beer."

An uproar of clapping and cheering rise for my baby ma. I help her stand up and she waddles off to the stage to collect her crown and flowers.

"Prom king is. . . ugh, for real, it's Nico Reed."

I ignore the clapping and the whistling as some cheap ass crown is set on my head. I take Zosia's hand.

"The first slow dance of the evening goes to the king and queen." Some song I've never heard of, but by the swooning in the crowd it must be popular, comes on.

Her arms loop around my waist, her face pressed to my stomach, and a content smile on her face. I sway in step with her until the song comes to an end and I press a kiss to her forehead.

Step By Step by New Kids On The Block comes on and the little girl in Zo comes out. Her eyea grow wide at the sound of her favorite song. She sings along as a grab her things.

Our hands entangle and we're off to grab post prom burgers with the guys and their dates. Everyone leaves at the same time, blocking traffic like a bitch.

"I hate dances," Zo speaks up as we wait behind a line of cars to leave the parking lot, "but tonight wasn't too bad."

I smirk down at her, tell her I told you so, and sit in the quiet car ignoring her scowl towards me.

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