the one where theyll stand by her

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T H I R T Y   N I N E;

ginger baby
are you still on for saturday babe?
the party wont be the same without you

i don't know kat
i know matt'll be there and it's just easier for him if I'm not around

em baby
no stelle you've gotta come!
matt can deal with it
we love you both and just because you guys broke up it doesn't mean you have to avoid each other like the plague

queen layla
tbh stelle it might be good for you guys to have to see eachother
it might help you both move forward

its just seeing him there in the flesh
i know its gonna make my heart break even more
i don't wanna cry anymore

queen layla
aw baby :(

em baby
we'll stick by you 💗

ginger baby
and if it gets too much for you we'll ditch the party and go get in'n'out 🍔
you're coming right reed?

queen layla
getting my party on is one of my favourite past times

em baby
see stelle?
you'll have us and layla and it'll be so much fun

i'll come
even though i'll probably regret it


agent layla
mission report; estelle (the better half of mastelle tbh) is coming to the party ⚔
the plan can go ahead

agent dom
matt's coming too

agent layla
dammit dom!
you're supposed to say mission report
then do your mission report 🙄

agent dom
shit sorry
though i still think this is a bit ott

agent layla
and i think that people who say ott are lame but i know how to keep my opinions to myself ✊🏻

agent dom
but you didn't tho

agent layla
i hate you

agent dom
i hate you too

I love dom and layla so much lmao
also holy shit thanks so much for 40k!!

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