the one where its mission accomplished

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F O U R T Y T W O;

agent layla
dude it fucking worked

agent dom
i know oh my god yes
mastelle will rise again

agent layla
are we gonna tell them?

agent dom
what that you woke stelle up knowing she'd need water and that i made matt go get me some so they'd run into eachother?
maybe once they're back together

agent layla
and married

agent dom
with 50 kids

agent layla
so thats a no?

agent dom

agent layla
god so NOW you start using spy lingo?
jesus christ dom

agent dom
so now the plans over we can go back to being civil enemies right?

agent layla

agent dom
i can confidently say that it was not a pleasure doing (spy) business with you

agent layla
the feeling is mutual

agent dom
dont we need to meet up to discuss phase 2?
strictly businessly of course

agent layla
yea actually that would probably be a really good professional idea
lunch at 1?

agent dom
see you at our usual spot then

agent layla
yes you will

can they just kiss (or have hate sex) already????

also they remind me of chuck and blair in mid season 4 lmao

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