the one where it ends

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matt was facetiming dom when he heard a knock at his door.

"one sec dude, it's probably housekeeping." matt says before pushing him to his feet and padding towards the door. prior to the interrpution, matt had been rambling on about his date and estelle to dom, who was a good enough friend to listen.

when matt unhooked the latch and swung open the door to someone he was not expecting to see, his heart stopped. there she was, stood before him: estelle. she looked virtually the same as she had when he left her not an hour earlier. he had memorised every part of their perfect night, not wanting to forget a single detail. though he had noticed her hair was in disarray and he could tell that she'd been running her hands through it absentmindedly on the way over, a nervous habit of hers that matt had picked up on.

"hey." he breathed.

his statement seemed to snap the model out of her gaze as she too had been staring at the person infront of her, almost disbelieving she was actually here, doing this.

"so I'm just gonna come straight out and say it." estelle said quickly, wanting to get this over with. "i'm so in love with you matthew daddario and i-"

"stelle.." matt started, cutting her off in her tracks and shattering any hope within estelle that he might feel the same.

"no, please matt. just let me say my piece and then i'll go." she said, placing one of her hands on top of the other to stop herself from nervously fiddling with the loose hem on her jeans. "i just have to say this once and get it all out of my system. just once."

matt nodded slowly and she took it as a sign to continue.

"i get on okay without you. i do. but i don't want to be okay. because even though it isn't sad, okay isn't good either. okay is this grey cloudy space that leave you wanting more. more from life, more love, just more." estelle explained, hoping she was making the littlest bit of sense. "and i don't want to be 'okay' anymore matt, i want to be happy. with you. i want to be with you because i really believe you were the greatest fucking thing to ever happen to me, and i know i fucked it up last time and i know you i have no right to be begging for a second chance, but i just want you."

estelle took a deep breath. there were tears in her eyes now as she struggled to force the words to come out of her mouth.

"i want us back. all of it." she finished. estelle couldn't bear to look up at matthew and took his silence as a negative response. feeling her heart drop suddenly and a frown form on her face, she knew that looking up at his expression would confirm that he no longer wanted to be with her and that she'd lost him for good.

"but baby, you never lost me."

matt slid an arm around the girl's waist and pulled estelle closer to him. at his gesture and sweet words estelle's head had snapped upwards and once again her eyes held that hopeful glint that he hadn't seen in so long. "i've been here the whole time and always will be."

"that's a pretty sweeping statement there matthew." estelle mumbled, looking down at her feet.

"and i mean it. every word. i'm never going anywhere, ever again."

the next thing matt knew, estelle had brought her lips to his, nearly knocking all the wind from his lungs. neither had time to react before their tongues were mingling, hands were in hair and clothes were dishevelled. it was sloppy and desperate but passionate and perfect. matt's hand rested on the nape of her neck, his thumb caressing her jaw as their breaths mingled. she ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel his heart beat quicken against her chest.

when estelle unwillingly broke contact to catch her breath, matt felt her lean her forehead against his own. she didn't need to look in a mirror to tell that an extraordinarily large grin was painted on her face, identical the one gracing matt's. she breathed heavily for a moment before locking her eyes with matt's and plucking up the courage to say something.

"can we please just be back together already?" she begged desperately, looking up through her eyelashes at the dazed boy towering over her and trying to fight the urge to connect their lips again.

instead of hearing a response, estelle felt matt tug her jaw towards his own and lock their lips for a second time. it was soft, slow and told estelle everything she needed to know.

"if you couldn't tell, that was a yes. a definitive, positively magical yes." matt gushed bashfully with tinted cheeks.

"are you sure? you might need to tell me again." estelle chuckled and matt connected their lips in a series of short kisses.

"yes." he mumbled out in between each kiss before immediately kissing her again. his hands gripped estelle's cheeks as the pair grinned at each other, pure happiness radiating off of them.

"gett a room guys!" matt and estelle both snapped out of their brief love spell to acknowledge the voice from inside his apartment. rolling his eyes, matt made two long strides inside, followed by estelle, to the source of the noise.

there, surrounded by the rest of the cast mates, was dom celebrating the rebirth of 'mastelle', having presumably been watching the whole time.

"guys I'm pretty sure that that was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen." dom said bluntly. "i saw what was happening and called the rest of the guys in here." he explained, gesturing to the crowd of excited actors behind him.

before the other cast mates could interject with their comments like — "mastelle is so beautiful, i'm going to die." or "i died earlier watching this, now i am dead." or "harry would be here but he is actually on the floor passed out.", estelle stepped infront of matt's phone, "so as much as i'd like to talk to you guys right now, my boyfriend and i have some catching up to do." she winked dramatically, giggling before ending the call.

"that sounds like a plan to me." matthew grins at estelle before throwing her over his shoulder and running to his bedroom, the sound of his girlfriend's laughter echoing through the suite as he went.

so that's it! then end of my most successful and favourite book on my profile. i've decided to do a character ask before a final a/n in a seperate part so leave your comments below with questions for:










me (the author)

and yea i'll answer them all.

** i really fucking hope this wasnt a dissappointing end to the book, it is so important to me that my readers enjoy my content because i know you guys are really invested in this fic. so fingers crossed i wrote matt&estelle a fitting ending for a love as great as theirs xx **

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