Chapter 5 - Apprentice

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It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.

~That Night~

Kayleigh's POV

I looked up from my school book as I heard the doorbell ring.

"Kayleigh, get that please, would you?" Jack yelled from his study.

Without reply, I stood up and put a bookmark in my book before closing it. Then, I walked briskly over to the door and looked out the peephole.

My eyes widened as I saw who was there, and I turned away. The doorbell rang again.

"Kayleigh! Door!" Jack yelled.

I sighed and slipped my ring into my pocket before I opened the door. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked.

"Kayleigh?" Gabe looked supprised to see me.

"Kayleigh! Who is it?" Jack yelled. I looked towards the office door before turned back to Gabe.

"How can I help you?" I asked again, trying to be polite.

"Umm, I'm looking for Jack David, I must have the wrong house." Gabe said.

"You have the right house. Just a minute." I said, walking over to the office door.

I knocked lightly, then opened the door. "Someone is here to see you." I said.

Jack looked up from his paperwork. "What?" He asked.

I sighed. "Someone wants to see you. A boy." I said, then started walking out to the kitchen.

"Can you ask his name?" Jack asked, then he must have realized I wasn't there.

"Kayleigh!" He yelled.

I stood by the dining table, hands on my hips as I waited for him to come out.

I didn't have to wait long, Jack walked out of his office, giving me a glare before he turned his attention to Gabe.

   "And you are?" Jack asked.

   "Gabe Ingils, sir." Gabe introduced himself.

"Ah, my apprentice." Jack said, shaking hands with Gabe.

I turned around so Gabe and Jack couldn't see how shocked I was. Gabe was Jacks apprentice??? That meant he would be around the house all the time, and he would be around me...

"Kayleigh, your father called. He expected you after school." Jack said, walking over to me.

I gasped. "Oh no! I forgot!"

"He isn't pleased. I'd go talk to him as soon as possible." Jack said.

I nodded. "I'll be back to make dinner." I said, grabbing my purse and running out of the house.


So, what do u think Kayleigh's father will ever like? And what does he need to talk to her about?

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