Chapter 36 - Toothbrush

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I like walking in the rain because no one can see that I'm crying.

Kayleigh's POV

I drove for a full hour before I felt that I was safe for a little while. I pulled over into a gas station, and parked the car.

I pulled my water bottle and a sandwich out of my backpack, and started eating.

I kept a close eye out for anyone that might be one of Jack's spies. Although, I don't think he will notice I'm missing until he wants his breakfast tomorrow.

I finished my sandwich, then took a long drink of water to wash it down.

   Then I put the bag my sandwich had been in back into my backpack, and put my water bottle into the car cupholder.

I stepped out of the car and walked into the gas station.

"May I help you?" The sales girl asked.

I smiled. "Yes, do you guys have toothbrushes?" I asked.

The girl smiled. "Yes we do. Right over there." She said, pointing to an aisle.

I walked in the direction she had pointed and found the toothbrushes. I grabbed a pink one, then walked over to the counter.

After I payed for the toothbrush, I walked back to my car and got in. I quickly stashed the toothbrush in my backpack, then I started the car, and drove out of the gas station.

   It was another three hours before I finally pulled into a driveway. I parked the car, grabbed my backpack and water bottle, then got out.

   I closed the car door behind me and locked the car, then walked on the sidewalk to the back door of the house.

   I knocked on the door, and a porch light turned on.

A lady opened the door and pulled me into the house before closing and locking the door behind me.

Then, she reached out and hugged me.

I hugged her back, feeling tears stream down my cheeks.

"It's alright, you're safe here. He has no clue about this, I've made sure of that." The lady said.

I smiled and tried to wipe my tears away. "I just hope I did the right thing." I whispered.

"You did what's right for you. That's what matters. You're finally thinking of yourself." She replied.

I looked down.

"Kayleigh?" The lady asked, sitting down on a bench and patting the seat next to her.

I sat down beside her. "I didn't do it for me." I whispered.

"Then why?" She asked, studying me.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered.

She immediately hugged me, and I started crying again.

"It's alright, you're safe. Both of you." The lady said.

"Am I really? He will send people out to find me." I said.

The lady pulled away and wiped the tears off my cheeks. "You're going to start a new life for now." She said.

I took a deep breath. "I just hope I can do this." I said.

She smiled. "Kayleigh, I know you can. Come on inside." She said, standing up.

I followed her into the house, where two children immediately greeted us.

"Kayleigh, this is Tatum. Tatum, tell Miss Kayleigh how old you are." The lady said.

Tatum held up four fingers. "I'm four." She announced. "And my brother is two."

The lady laughed. "Yes, this is Sean and he is two." She said.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A familiar voice asked.

Unloved, Married and Pregnant... at 18???Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt