Chapter 26 - Jennie and Timothy

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I killed someone, you see.
I killed the girl who used to be me.


Jennie's POV

I smirked as I walked into Timothy's office.

He looked up from his work, smiling as he saw me. "Jennie." He said.

"Timothy." I replied, sitting down on a chair.

"You made sure no one saw you come here, right?" He asked.

I laughed. "You have no faith in me, do you? Of course I did. They are all at school." I said.

"And Kayleigh doesn't suspect a thing?" Timothy asked, leaning towards me.

"Not a thing. We've got everyone right where we want them. Except for that Gabe boy. He's trouble." I said.

"Then get rid of him." Timothy said.

"How?" I asked.

"That's for you to figure out. Now get out before anyone sees you. And make sure he is out of the way if you think he will mess up our plan." Timothy said.

I smirked. "I'll figure something out." I said.

~A couple hours later~

Kayleigh's POV

After I finished helping Edna make and serve lunch, I hung up my apron and made my way back to Principle Murry's office.

I knocked on the door softly.

"Come in." Principle Murry said.

I opened the door and walked inside.

   "Kayleigh. I graded your test." Principle Murry said, handing it to me.

   I took a deep breath, then looked at the grade. A+ the red mark read. I looked up at Principle Murry, huge smile on my face.

   She smiled back at me. "You passed! Congrats!" She said.

   I felt happy tears stream down my cheeks as I hugged her. "Thanks." I said.

   "Your welcome Kayleigh. But this is all your own doing." Principle Murry replied.

   I smiled again. "Thanks anyway." I said softly.

   "You're welcome." Principle Murry said. "You can have the rest of the day off. I'll see you tomorrow." She said.

I smiled and waved as I walked out the door. I sighed as I heard the bell ring. "So much for a clear hallway." I said.

I made my way through the crowd to my locker.

   I unlocked it, and quickly began shoveling my things into my backpack. Then, I smiled at my empty locker before closing it.

   I put my backpack on, then again made my way though the crowd, this time to the front door.

   I smiled, then pushed the door open and walked out. "Sweet freedom." I whispered.

   I looked at my phone, checking the time. 1:38 it read. I smiled again and put it into my pocket.

   "Three hours of free time." I said aloud, then started walking to the orphanage.


What do you think Jennie and Timothy are up to? And what do y'all think of Kayleigh graduating?

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