Chapter 38 - Missing

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She's alone again, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Some days she feels like dying, she gets so sick of crying.


Hettie's POV

   "Where is she?" Timothy asked, coming into our room.

   I was sitting on our bed, brushing my hair. "Timothy, I don't know." I said, turning to face my husband.

   Timothy sat down. "It's been a year and a half since anyone has heard from her." He said.

   "Yeah." I replied.

   "Hettie, what if Jack did something to her?" Timothy asked, grabbing my wrist.

   "Honey, Jennie can take care of herself." I said, putting my hand on his knee.

   "She couldn't last time." Timothy whispered.

   I looked at him. "Timothy, last time we knew where she was. And last time, she fell in love." I said.

   Timothy sighed. "I just don't know what to think. And now I need to get a court date set and without her..." He trailed off.

   "Timothy, you can do this on your own. You have me, and Kayleigh of course. You can't always have a partner." I said.

   Timothy nodded. "I just need to make sure we win." He said.

   "And if that doesn't happen, we will keep trying." I said, hugging him.

"I still need to find Jennie." Timothy said.

"You've been to the agency?" I asked.

"Three times in the last month. No one has seen her or heard from her in a year and a half." He replied.

"Not even your mother?" I asked.

Timothy looked at me with sad eyes. "I don't think so. But if I ask her, she will start to worry." He said.

I nodded. "Well, we will just have to find her ourselves then." I said.

Kayleigh's POV

   Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked at my scars.

"Why did he do this to me?" I whispered aloud.

I locked the door to my room and changed into my pajamas, the tears never ceasing as I did so.

"Why me? Why not some other girl?" I whispered.

I looked at the test in my hand, more tears falling at the sight of it. "This time, I'm not going to let him find out. I think I left early enough." I whispered.

I grabbed the test and pulled the covers back on the bed. "This time, I'm going to get to hold you." I whispered to my belly.

"This time, I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you, like it did to your sister and brother. You're going to be the one that I get to take care of."

I lay down in bed, tears still falling as I hugged the test close and tried to fall asleep.

Unloved, Married and Pregnant... at 18???Where stories live. Discover now