12 | tall girls

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when school starts after winter break, she feels giddy inside when she remembers the kiss. 

walking to the cafeteria, she spots you with your group of friends. you make eye contact and smile at her, and that's enough to make her walk over to you. 

when she's close enough, you tell her to come closer. closer. closer. 

a cold, white, liquid is spilled on top of her hair making it stick down. it runs over her face and into her mouth, making her spit it out. the milk keeps running down, fast. she feels it seep into her shirt and go down her pants.

she feels disgusting.

everyone around her starts to laugh; pointing and recording with their phones. 

she finished the last carton of milk on her and faces her. 

"this is what you get for kissing my boyfriend."

you chuckle and walk over. 

"why don't you get it? we are never going to be a thing." 

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