Chapter 1

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Kate had only a few more hours left in her shift. She hated the breakfast shift, but no one else wanted to work it so she took it, figuring that at least it made her get out of bed every morning. She looked over her shoulder at the clock and then at the door.  For the past four days there had been a new customer to the diner, he always came in at five minutes to noon, and Kate was hoping that he would be back again that day.

They hadn't talked, other than the normal stuff a diner would say to a waitress, but she looked forward to seeing him just the same. She didn't know his name or if he was a visitor or a new resident in town, and she hadn't asked because she was afraid to show too much interest.

There had been more snow the previous night and the fact that it was a Sunday meant that their normally busy trade had been much lighter than usual. Currently there was no one in the restaurant, nor had there been for the last hour. Today she was working with Tilly, a local high school student who was trying to earn a little extra cash. She was a sweet girl but painfully shy. and Kate had had a difficult time training her since she had a hard time speaking loud enough to be heard. Now, finally, after about three weeks, she was starting to come into her own.

The bell on the door jangled and Kate took her time looking over her shoulder. It was him. Her heart did a little stutter as she watched him make his way to his usual booth in the back corner by the restrooms. He always sat with his back against the wall, facing the restaurant, as if he wanted to watch all of the action, what little there was of it.

"Do you need a menu?" Kate asked across the empty room as she poured him his usual iced tea.

"No, I'll have a club sandwich with fries today please." he said as she delivered his tea.

She enjoyed the deep timbre of his voice as it resonated in the empty space. He wasn't speaking loudly but it was easily heard, as if he was accustomed to being listened to.

She wrote up his order and passed it across to Chuck, the cook, who was reading Shakespeare of all things. Chuck was a surprisingly deep thinker and a sensitive soul who minded his own business and never said a mean word about anyone. All of his deep thinking was hidden by a full head of white hair and a bushy beard. His shirts were always stained and his blue jeans a bit baggy. How he didn't get written up for health code violations was a mystery, but the food was always excellent and no one had ever gotten sick.

Chuck winked at her with one of his faded blue eyes then begin to sing under his breath as he started to prepare the meal.

Kate delivered a fresh dish of lemons from the cooler. "It'll be just a minute."

"Kate, I'm going to take a break," Tilly said reaching for her coat.

"Sure Tilly," Kate agreed, turning away from the man with a smile for Tilly.

Just then the door jangled and a few of the local boys entered the restaurant, hooting and hollering rudely as they spied Tilly. Tilly turned bright red and was rooted to the spot.

"Silly Tilly!" One of the boys called as they piled into a booth, there were four of them and Kate recognized every single one of them, she knew their parents too. Their ringleader was a young boy of about sixteen name Adam Neel. He was a big boy and most of the local kids were afraid of him which he knew and enjoyed.  He was the typical bully.

"Tilly was just going on her break," Kate said as she carried four menus over to them knowing they wouldn't order anything. "Go now Tilly, before it's my turn."  Tilly heard the command, broke free from her frozen stance, and darted through the door to the kitchen.

Kate delivered the menus and took their drink order, and not surprisingly, they were all having water. She moved behind the counter listening to their rude remarks about the girls in their class as she poured their water. Their remarks made her thankful that she was no longer in high school. It was amazing how young boys thought of young girls. She guessed it had been that way forever but it was still unsettling to listen to; normally the restaurant would be full and their conversation would be drowned out, but not that day.

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