Chapter 16

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"So Lee, why are Kellan and Josh here?" Kate asked, knowing that that was the crux of the matter.

Lee started to tell his story in an almost bored tone, similar to the tone he had used in the restaurant the day they had had lunch. "Shortly after my arrival here I was informed, by Phil, that someone had been rustling the ranch's cattle. He knew that it had been going on for a while, and he knew who the culprits were. I started to investigate, hoping he was wrong but he wasn't. Your mother, Eve, along with Earl Forrest and a couple of other men were responsible. Your mother was the head of the ring and was the master mind behind the entire scheme."

Lee looked directly at Kate making sure that she was following the story. "So I patiently waited, called in a few friends, got my proof, and confronted everyone. They immediately fessed up and pleaded to be let off the hook. I don't particularly care about the cattle or the money, but I do want to sell the ranch, and I cannot sell it knowing that it was being robbed on a regular basis."

Lee broke Kate's gaze and looked at Lily. "I asked your mother why she did it, and she said it was because she knew she wouldn't get any money from the estate. She said that she had to make sure that she was provided for in the future, and if I wasn't going to do it then she would find a way to do it herself, and she did. I've agreed not to press charges and she can keep the money she's made from the thefts, but she won't get anymore. The house will be included in the sale of the ranch and the rest of the money will be put in a trust for you Lily. You will inherit it when you graduate college or turn twenty-five whichever comes first."

Lee was watching Lily who was looking at her hands as they payed with the hem of her shirt.

"Who's buying the ranch?" Kate asked softly, realizing in that moment that she loved this man with all her heart. He wasn't David. Whether he was Lily's father didn't matter, either way he was providing for the girl and he didn't have to.

"Phil, we made a deal that we are both satisfied with."

Kate nodded, it made sense. "Good."

"What about me, where will I go?" Lily sniffed.

"With your mother I imagine," Lee said. His thoughts were a mystery to Kate. His face was blank and he didn't seem upset, despite the ordeal he had just been through.

"But she's leaving town, I have two more years left in school. What will everyone say when they find out the truth?" She raised heartbroken eyes to Lee.

"The only people who know what happened are you, me, Kate, my friends, and your mother and her friends. I know we won't say anything and I doubt that your mother and her friends will either. I am sure that I will be the villain in this story, not you or your mother, and I'm willing to take that hit."

Kate felt for the girl. "Don't worry about it Lily, we'll figure something out, we have until the end of next month. Let's get through your birthday party this weekend and then we'll figure out the rest."

Lily nodded, not looking entirely pleased by the situation.

"Are you hungry?"

Lily nodded again.

"There's pizza in the kitchen, go grab yourself a few slices. Lee and I will be in to introduce you in a little bit. Keep Henry company. He needs a friend," Kate suggested.

Lily nodded, it seemed to be the only thing she could do, and left her and Lee alone.

They were silent for a moment and Kate felt her heart fill to bursting with love for the man. Unable to help herself she stood and walked towards him as he stood too.  There were no words she could say that wouldn't give her away so she just reached up and traced his cheek.

"You're a good man Lee Mercer."

"Shhh, don't tell anyone, I don't want my reputation ruined." He smiled a lopsided grin.

"You're not her father." It wasn't a question it was a statement.

"How do you know?"

"Let's just say I know the type." Kate couldn't help the break in her voice as she said it.

"You'll have to tell me about it one day." He suggested as he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"One day, maybe."

The silence stretched between them as they looked at each other. "Thanks for believing me. I know the story Irma told you about me. I'm guessing it was the same one she told everyone after I left town. That I had been Eve's lover, and that Lily was my daughter that was why I skipped town."

Kate nodded silently.

"For the record I know I'm not Lily's father because I never touched the woman, not that she didn't try to corner me. Bruce was just as big an alcoholic as our father was and Eve was unhappy in her marriage. She wasn't subtle in the fact that she wanted to use me to get back at Bruce, and she tried every play in the book, but I was never interested in her in that way."

Lee pulled Kate close in a hug and she closed her eyes as she rested her ear on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. "Why would Irma start such a nasty rumor about you?

"I'm convinced that Irma had been after my father in her youth and when he brought home Mona she was angry and hurt, and who better to take that out on than Mona's son.  Irma never liked me, and I'm convinced that she was responsible for most of the rumors that have followed me around this town."

"You really don't care do you?" Kate leaned back into his arms and looked into his eyes.

"No, I don't care, I'm leaving in a few weeks, if not sooner, and this time there will be no need for me to return."

Kate felt herself go cold at the sincerity that she saw reflected there. She couldn't help but wish that she was worth the consideration of sticking around. If not that, then at the very least a return visit.

She rested her head on his chest again and listened to his heartbeat closing her eyes and absorbing the feel of his strong arms as they wrapped around her and held her close. What would it feel like to be wanted by a man like Lee? To be chosen by him over everything else?

She pushed herself away knowing that if things went further, no matter how much she wanted them too, it would be hard to say goodbye, maybe too hard.

Kate turned and caught Devon dunking for cover as she looked at the window.

"We have an audience," Kate said with a sad smile.

"Should we make it worth her while?" Lee asked reaching for her hand.

"No," she shook her head, "I think we need to stick to the plan of friends only. After all you're still planning to leave."

Lee nodded letting go of her hand. "Do you think there's any pizza left?"

"Probably not," She stopped turning back towards Lee, knowing she had to thank him. "I have a full house right now, and as much as I fight that fact, it's a good thing. This is a hard time of the year for me and at least for today, you all have taken my mind off of it."

"What's the it?"

"Sadness, such overwhelming sadness. It'll be back tomorrow, but at least today it wasn't so bad. So, thanks."

"You're welcome. But for the record Kate you naturally draw people to you, you have a natural warmth and a nurturing soul, and you make people feel safe and welcome."

Kate was silent as she thought of Colten, his death, and her inability to do anything to save him. "I just wish I was able to keep everyone safe."  She felt the sorrow well up inside of her again and she wanted to curl up in a corner and cry.

Lee must have sensed the change in her because he smiled and threw his arm over her shoulders. "Let's go eat."

She forced a smile. They would all be gone tomorrow and she could wallow in her sadness then, but tonight she was going to stay with the living and enjoy herself. "Let's go eat," she agreed as she let Lee lead her into the crowded and noisy kitchen.

Sweetest Goodbye (Navy Book 3)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα