Chapter 3

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Two months had passed and Lee's presence above her garage was hardly noticed by Kate. The town knew about it, but if there was any whispering about it going on it hadn't reached her ears yet. The cold weather had broken and she was finally able to put her warm weather clothes away for a few months. Lee continued to wear his uniform of sweatshirts and baggy jeans, despite the break in the cold, and even though she found it a little odd she didn't feel comfortable enough to ask any questions. They had developed a very professional and non-personal relationship, which Kate continued to tell herself was a good thing.

It was the end of May when Irma Beckett return back to work at the diner. She had left just before Christmas to have her knees operated on, and Kate hadn't been sorry to see her leave. Irma was a bitter, gossiping whirlwind that always left destruction and hurt feelings behind her. Poor Tilly was leaving work every day in tears, and Kate didn't hold out much hope that the young girl would make it through June.

Kate looked over at Irma where she was standing behind the counter ringing up a sale. Her shirt and jeans were just a little too tight, her makeup had been painted on with a heavy hand, and her peroxide dyed blond hair did nothing to make her look younger, no matter how high she piled it on her head.

Kate had asked Chuck why she was still working at the diner when she made so many of the patrons angry, and he had told her that Irma had been there for over thirty years, and that she was a habit that the owner had kept. Kate could only speculate as to what that meant.

Kate moved to the table towards the back corner that housed a group of young women from the local college. She had taken their drink orders and was balancing the tray as she walked towards them watching their giggling youth, and she sent up a secret hope she wasn't still working at the diner in thirty years.

She had just rested the tray on the table in the back corner and was serving the first of the drinks when the giggling stopped, their eyes grew large, and they all turned toward the entrance, and then the giggling started all over again.

Kate looked over her shoulder, following their gazes and saw Lee. He was headed towards her and the table that her tray was resting on, his table. Kate took her time serving the rest of the drinks then picked up her tray and tucked it under her arm with a smile at Lee.

He nodded a greeting and sat, not bothering to reach for a menu.

Pulling out her order pad she looked at the girls, whose voices were now whispers as they looked at Lee. "What can I get you ladies?" she asked with her usual calm smile. She had pushed away the upsetting thoughts the girls had caused when they had arrived, but watching them watch Lee was an upset that she couldn't push away, and she didn't understand why.

"Oh...we need more time," said a pretty blond with long curly locks and baby blue eyes, she was playing with her straw, not taking her eyes off of Lee.

Kate smiled and moved over to Lee. "What can I get you?" she asked again, unable to keep the coldness in her tone under control. Why did he have to be so attractive and why did he have to show-up while the girls were there?

He can't help his looks, a little voice in Kate's mind reasoned with her, and he's only coming in at the same time he always does, but Kate didn't want to be reasonable; she wanted to be mad.

Lee looked at her, taking his time while he let his gaze take in her stern expression.

"Hi Kate," he said with one of his rare grins and Kate heard one of the girls behind her sigh. It set Kate's teeth on edge, she couldn't blame the girl, especially when his dimple popped out, but she still wasn't happy about it.

"Hello Lee, what can I get you?" she asked again, not returning his smile.

"You seem upset, is everything alright?"

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