Chapter 21

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Kate exited the restroom at the Savannah Airport to see Lee talking to a beautiful blonde.  She was as close to perfect, physically, as any woman could be.  She watched from the across the large open baggage area while the two stood together. Lee seemed relaxed and the woman seemed, while not overly friendly not hostile, as they stood together in a companionable silence watching the luggage carousel.  Kate couldn't help but notice the admiring looks that they were getting, and she wished that she looked that good standing next to Lee. If he could attract a woman like that why would he ever want to stay with her?

"Kate Owens?" A voice said from behind her.

Kate turned around to see an old friend from high school exiting the bathroom behind her. "Grace?"

Grace looked at her and nodded and they embraced quickly.

"Were you on the flight from Dallas?" Grace asked. It was late, after nine, and Savannah was not a huge airport so most of the flights stopped arriving after early evening.

"I was, were you?"

"Yes, but we barely made it so it's no wonder I didn't see you."

"We?" Kate asked.

Grace nodded, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards Lee and the beautiful blond.

"Laura, look who I found. This is a good friend of mine from high school, Kate Owens. Kate this is my sister-in-law Laura Stevens."

"Small world," Lee drawled, looking very amused.

"No, small town," Kate corrected shaking the blonde's hand.

"Who's your friend Laura?"

"Yes, who's your friend?" Kate asked, this time she was the jealous one.

"This is Lee Mercer, he used to serve with Charlotte's husband Kellan. We've met a few times. We were paired together at Charlotte's and Kellan's wedding. Lee this is my sister-in-law Grace Stevens"

"How did Davis like that?" Grace asked with a grin.

"He knows Lee as well, so he was fine with it." Laura either didn't get the joke or was picking up on Kate's jealous vibe and was down playing the entire episode. "Are you two together?" Laura asked, "is this the Kate?"

Kate was using all of her foggy brain power to put two and two together. Charlotte must be Charlie, Kellan's wife, and Laura somehow knew the woman.

"Laura is Charlie's sister." Lee filled in the blank for Kate. It was amazing how well he could read her. "And Davis is her husband, and a very talented photographer, he spent some time in the trenches with Josh, Kellan, and me a few years ago."

Kate nodded, trying to take it all in without appearing too dumb. "Do you no longer live in Savannah?" She turned to ask Grace. The baggage claim buzzed behind them and the heard the carousel start, as the first pieces of luggage started to appear.

Lee moved towards it with Laura, and they waited for their bags to appear.

"No, I split my time between New York, Austin, and London mostly. My husband, Bryce, has a large family and our brother-in-law is looking to expand into the Savannah area for business. Laura and I were sent down to scout for a home base for the family? Also, another brother is in the movie business and Georgia is starting to have more and more things filmed here."

Kate nodded, dumbfounded once again by what Grace was saying.  The two of them had been relatively close in high school. Grace hadn't had many friends, and once Kate's pregnancy was revealed she didn't have many either. The two had bonded over being the outcasts. Grace had been one of the few people to come and visit her after Colten was born.

"How's Colten?' Grace asked, her thoughts must have taken the same path that Kate's had.

"He passed away about four years ago," Kate said softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just recently had my first... I can't imagine...," Grace was starting to tear up and Kate couldn't have that because she would start to cry.

"Boy or Girl?" Kate asked, changing the subject to something happy.

"A boy, we named him Alistair."

"How old is he?"

"Six months now." Grace smiled as she thought of her son and then Kate watched as guilt filled her eyes.

"That's good Grace, congratulations, I really am happy for you." Kate leaned across and gave her a hug.

Grace nodded. "What about you and Lee?"

"We're just friends."

Grace nodded, accepting it, and they were both silent for a few moments as they waited for the luggage.

"You don't live in Savannah anymore?"

Kate shook her head. "No my father died, I'm here for the funeral."

"I'm so sorry." Grace reached out and placed her hand on Kate's shoulder.

"Thanks, I hadn't seen him in fourteen years so I lost him a long time ago."

After that the two of them fell into a comfortable conversation, and Kate realized why she had been drawn to Grace all of those years ago.  She was still very approachable and welcoming.

Lee wheeled their luggage over and sat it next to Kate, giving her a quick kiss before returning to help Laura.

"He's a handsome man." Grace noted, watching Lee as he grinned at Laura's attempt to grab a piece of luggage.

"Yes, he is, he's wonderful." Kate agreed.

Lee and Laura approached them and the four of them started towards the exit when Kate noticed Sam. Her face broke out into a grin and she rushed to meet him falling into his open arms. He hugged her close for a moment before he set her away from him, taking a good look at her. He approved of what he saw and he nodded before turning towards the others.

"Sam this is Lee Mercer, Grace Stevens, and Laura Stevens. This is Sam Evers."

Everyone exchanged handshakes and then Grace said a quick goodbye as she and Laura moved to a waiting car that was idling at the curb. Sam turned around and eyed Lee before he put his attention back on Kate.

"Since when do you run in such lofty circles Kate?" He asked, picking up one of the pieces of luggage and starting towards the parking garage.

"Grace and I were friends in school.  She was the only friend I had after I found out that I was expecting Colten, and she came to visit me in the hospital after he was born."

"That's to her credit. You do realize that she is married to an English Earl. She's also related, by marriage, to Mason and Cassandra Stevens, Rainer Stevens. Laura Wren, who was with her just now, and Brian Alexander. She is one of Savannah's famous daughters now."

Kate snorted. "That's rich. They didn't want her when she was a poor orphan, but they want her now that she's married well."

"All I know is that you run in high circles Kate. Penny will be impressed."

"Yes, and let's not forget one Dr. Samuel Evers, imminent Heart Surgeon."

"How do you put up with her smart mouth Lee?" Sam asked over his shoulder.

Lee grinned. "I've learned that her bark is worse than her bite."

They were loaded into Sam's truck and then they hit the road for the thirty minute drive back into the city.  Kate knew as soon as they had arrived.  Savannah was as beautiful as ever, even at night. They pulled up in front of Sam's massive antebellum home and Kate realized how truly frightened she was at being back. She reached for Lee's hand and held it fast as the door opened and Penny came racing down the steps to greet them.

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