Chapter 19

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Lee hadn't seen Kate in a few days.  He had had the strong desire to keep her close since he had walked into the restaurant and saw Forrest's hand on her wrist. Part of it was the need to keep her safe, but he knew that an even larger part of it was because of his attachment to her.  He was on the verge of falling for her, something that he couldn't let himself do. His life was mapped out and the papers for the ranch were drawn up and ready to sign. He was due back on base in California the following Monday.

The only reason he had asked her to go to lunch with him after the scene with Forrest was to help take her mind off of the event, but something had turned over in his gut at her simple excitement at the idea of a date. So, he had figured that taking her out, romancing her a little, showing her a good time was something that he could do without letting it get too serious, and he had enjoyed himself all week, probably more than he ever had on a date, but he had kept it friendly and platonic because he knew that he was leaving.

But Lily's party had been another story altogether. First, he had let himself steal a kiss on her adorably freckled nose, then he hadn't been thinking when he had pulled her against him in the pool, and once he had, he had been unwilling to let her go. He had been relieved when she had been the one to pull away.

When he had dropped her off that night he knew he was close to losing control so he had made up the excuse of having an errand to run, and he had taken himself off for a drive. He had driven to all of the important spots of his youth and reminded himself why he hated Jurgen, and it had helped, but barely.

He had decided to put some space between them so he had skipped out on lunch at the diner on Sunday and Monday, and when she hadn't come to work at the ranch that morning he asked Phil about it. Phil had mentioned that she took the same week off every year.

Her car hadn't moved since Saturday and he had taken to parking behind her car, just as he was doing now, in hopes that she would have to ask him to move if she wanted to leave.

He and Phil had spent the day pouring over the books as well as the inventory of the stables and it was exhausting work. Now he had plans to go for a stress relieving run and then make himself a sandwich for dinner.

He had just finished changing into his running shorts when there was a soft knock on his door and he hurried to answer it, thinking that it had to be Kate, but it wasn't, it was Henry and he looked upset.

"You have to do something," Henry said close to tears.

"About what?"

"Kate, she does this every year. She hides, and cries, and she doesn't stop. She likes you and you make her happy. You have to do something." The words came out in a rush before he turned and ran down the steps then continued out of the yard.

Lee stood there stunned by the boy's outburst. Why was Kate crying, and what had Henry meant when he had said he made her happy? To the best of his recollection he had never made anyone happy. Did he make her happy? He knew that she made him happy.

Deciding that it wouldn't hurt if he went over and knocked on her door he moved towards it as silently as he could, peeking in a few windows along the way, but the house was dark and the there was no sign of movement.

He banged on the door and waited, then he banged again, and when there was still no answer he got a little worried so he went to his truck and grabbed a few tools. Returning to her backdoor he had the door lock picked in under a minute and he entered the house quietly.

The house was spotless and absolutely silent. He moved through the darkened rooms and finally found Kate curled in a ball in the middle of her bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of her.  She wasn't crying but it was evident that she had been.

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