Chapter 5

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Kate was sitting on her back porch with a mug of coffee before the sun rose the next morning. She was still worried about Henry and had a vague idea of how she could help, but it was something that she would have to think about.

What she really needed to think about was how she was going to spend the entire day in Lee's company. She knew that Eve would be there, but somehow she didn't think that was going to help the tension level between them.

If she was honest she hadn't been even slightly interested in any man in over fourteen years. At first it had been David's betrayal, but that had eventually faded as Colten had become her primary concern. He had been a sick baby from the time he was born. He had had a weak heart and it had gotten worse as he got older until, eventually, his frail little heart couldn't handle anymore.

What she kept asking herself was why Lee? What was it about him that made her senses take notice? Sure he was good looking but he was quiet, perhaps that was it, perhaps it was the mystery behind the man. He had to have come from somewhere?

As if sensing her thoughts, Lee appeared around the corner of the house. He was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and running shorts and it looked as if he was just returning from a long run. It was still dark so she didn't think he saw her as he continued on towards the apartment above the garage.

With the dark masking her she didn't feel the need to be covert in her appreciation of his looks or build. He had an easy grace and carried himself with quiet confidence. She really did have to pat herself on the back because after fourteen years of having no interest in men she had chosen well for her first crush. If that's what it was she was feeling for the man.

He entered his apartment and closed the door and she rose to finish getting dressed. She was determined to keep admiring him from afar only. His sudden appearance had been vague, and his continued presence in their small little community was just as vague since the ranch ran itself. Kate had the strong feeling that he didn't intend to hang around once the ranch business was dealt with, and with all the gossip surrounding him she really couldn't blame him.

At nine o'clock she exited her kitchen closing and locking the door behind her. She didn't have long to wait before Lee's apartment door opened and he started towards her. When he reached her he wished her a good morning with a serious tone and held open the truck door for her.

Kate wasn't sure what she should wear so she had chosen a wrap dress in navy blue with black pumps. She had pulled her hair into a chignon and kept her make-up to a minimum. Lee, she noted, was wearing a pair of slacks and a light blue button down dress shirt with a navy blue blazer. She was amazed that he still appeared lanky when she now knew what lay underneath his clothes.

"You could have invited me over to join you for a cup of coffee this morning," Lee said after they were under way. His large presence filled the cab and she could smell a fresh citrus scent coming off of him, soap maybe?

"I thought you didn't see me since it was so dark."

Lee gave a small smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I see very well in the dark," was all he said, which made him sound even more mysterious.

Kate realized that it was the perfect opening to ask him what he did for a living but he cut her off before she could, and she wasn't sure if it was because he knew she was going to ask the question or if he was just trying to keep the conversation going. This was an ongoing theme in their interactions with each other. They were both determined to keep the other from asking too many questions.

"What's Henry's story?" he asked.

Kate watched his strong hands on the steering wheel for a moment before she looked away as she answered. "The State took him from his mother because of her drinking problem and gave him to his aunt who isn't much better." She had a hard time disguising the gruffness of her voice as she got angry all over again.

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