1) You/He is Sick

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Harry: You slowly walked up the steps carrying a tray of tea, medicine, and homemade soup. Your boyfriend, Harry Styles, has been ill since yesterday, the day after he returned home from tour. While he was on tour, you two called each other everyday and talked about random things. A few days ago you noticed that he didn’t sound like himself on the phone however he assured you that he was fine. Yesterday when he came home he had a slight fever and today he was fully blown sick. As you approached the bedroom door you slowly opened it up and saw his body covered completely with the duvet. His brown curls slightly peaked out from the top. You slowly walked over to him and set the tray down on the side table. He looked so helpless. You gently ran your fingers through his hair as he opened his eyes. 

“Hey babe.” He whispered groggily offering you a small smile. 
“Hi. How’re you feeling?” 
“A bit better.” 
You smiled at him as you gestured towards the tray next to you. “I brought you some things to feel better.” 
He beamed up at you as you climbed into the bed and settled down next to him. You flipped on the telly and switched to a movie channel.You began feeding him small sips of soup and tea. You spent the rest of the day in bed with him as the sun began to set and the darkness filled the room.

Niall: You lied in the spacious bed that you shared with Niall scrolling through twitter. You had been sick for the last two days but when you woke up this morning you felt much better. It was 11 in the morning. Niall had gotten out of bed about 20 minutes ago and lightly kissed you on the cheek. You paused when you came across a very interesting tweet from who other than your boyfriend, Niall. 
You giggled to yourself as you read it. “@niallofficial: my princess is sick :( @Y/T/N #getwellY/N Twitcam soon x”. You were shocked once you saw that #getwellY/N was trending #1! You heard footsteps slowly coming up the stairs and approaching your bedroom door. You quickly threw the blanket over your head and pretended to be sleeping. 
“She’s still sleeping guys…” You heard Niall whisper tiptoeing his way to you. 
“He’s probably doing the Twitcam now then…” You thought to yourself. 
“I’ll have to be quiet. Wait… Do you guys want to see her?” 
Niall couldn’t be serious… He was going to show you sleeping on his Twitcam?! Well… two could play this game, you were going to scare him! Niall placed his hand on the blanket and removed it from your head. 
“BOO!” You shouted jumping up. Having been shocked, Niall yelped and fell backwards onto the bed, his laptop still facing you. Laughing, you picked it up and pointed it towards him so the fans could see him. “Aww sorry Niall.” You said. Once he regathered himself and realized that everything was okay he bursted out laughing and tackled you. The laptop sat safely on the bed still catching the whole debacle between the two of you on camera. The fans loved it, they couldn’t get enough of the silly behavior between you two. Once your laughter subsided, Niall picked up the laptop and said “well I guess she’s feeling better then.”

Liam: You inserted the key to the lock on the door of your shared flat with Liam and slowly turned. You were sent home early from work because you were feeling rather ill. When you opened the door you saw Liam reclined on the couch watching the football game. “Hey babe you’re home really early. Is everything —” he trailed off once he caught sight of the terrible look on your face. He immediately jumped off the couch and gave you a hug. You winced because your body ached. “I’m sorry!” he exclaimed holding you at arms distance. He gently grasped your hand and lead you towards the couch. “Do you want anything love?” He asked you concerned. You shook your head no as he climbed onto the couch and pulled you atop of him, covering the the two of you with a large blanket.
“Li… You’re going to get sick.” You whispered to him. 
He let out a small chuckle and whispered “I would gladly get sick if it meant that I could make you feel better.” 
“I love you.” You said to him beginning to become drowsy. He didn’t respond back, instead he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. His actions spoke stronger than words ever could.

Zayn: You put on your comfiest pajamas and slipped on your fuzzy socks as you prepared yourself for bed. You and Zayn had just come home from a promotional dinner party for the new One Direction album. You had both spent the entire night laughing with friends, dancing, and of course… eating! You were slightly picky about some of the foods because you weren’t accustomed to them. However, Zayn being adventurous decided to try a little bit of everything. Just when the two of you settled yourselves into bed and shut off all the lights you felt the bed lurch and heard Zayn’s footsteps pounding towards the restroom. Next thing you know, the sound of gags echoed throughout your bedroom. You lifted yourself from the bed and went to check on Zayn. He was bent over the toilet with one hand against the back wall to steady himself. 
“Y/N… you should go.” He whispered but instead you wrapped your arms around his waist as he continued heaving until he was completely empty. Even then, dry heaves wracked his body. 
“My poor baby…” You whispered to him rubbing small circles on his back. Once the heaves subsided, you walked him back towards the bed. “I’ll go make you some ginger tea, it will soothe your stomach.” You told him. All he could manage was to nod. You knew this was going to be a long night but you were willing to take care of him.

Louis: “Oh my goshhhhh.” You groaned from the couch curling into a ball. You had the flu and your entire body was aching you. Louis sat in the chair next to you and glanced over at you concerned. He walked over to you and placed his hand on your forehead checking your temperature. “You’re rather warm babe…” He trailed off pulling the thermometer from his pocket. It was one of those fancy one touch thermometers. He swiped it across your forehead and gasped when he read the temperature. “38 Celsius (100.4 Fahrenheit) ?!?! I’ll be right back.” When he returned you felt as though your heart had stopped. In his hand, he held a small medicine cup filled with grape medicine. “Uhm… Lou… I’m feeling better!” You exclaimed, smiling at him.
“Nice try babe.” He smirked. 
“No really! Uhm yeah look! I’m feeling sooo much better. I definitely don’t need THAT.” You attempted to reassure him. He walked closer to you and placed the cup to your lips which you refused to open. 
“If you don’t drink this medicine then…then…then I won’t kiss you.” He said crossing his arms. You paused for a second and then sighed as you accepted your defeat and downed then medicine. 
“Yuck!” You said sticking your tongue out in disgust. 
“See… Was that so hard?” He said smiling.

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