37-You See Him With A Girl After A Break Up

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Louis: It’s been a few weeks since you and Louis broke up. You were still getting over him and it wasn’t easy. Everything reminded you of him. Ads on TV, albums and perfume in the mall, books in the book store, it’s like he’s everywhere. Today, your best friend called saying you two are going to the mall again. She’s always taking you to the mall to make you forget about him but honestly, it’s just making you think of him. You and Louis were always going shopping. (Y/F/N) picked you up and drove to the nearest mall. When Story Of My Life came on the radio, you felt like you wanted to cry but you stayed strong and pushed the tears away. Louis’ voice was just so perfect, whenever you heard him speak or sing you wanted to cry your heart out. You arrived at the mall and went to the clothes store first. You were looking at sweaters and jeans. You picked a few jeans and shirts and waited for (Y/F/N). When she finally chose a few shirt, you two went to the changing rooms, to try on clothes. When you came to them, you couldn’t believe what you saw. Louis was standing in front of one changing room, probably waiting for someone. You grabbed your friend’s arms and squeezed it. To your luck, Louis was focused on his phone so he didn’t see you. “Let’s go,” you whispered to (Y/F/N) but she just shook her head and pulled you to the changing room. But of course, clumsy you tripped as she pulled you and landed on the floor with a loud ‘thump’. Louis’ head snapped up from the phone and he looked at you. You were looking down, not really wanting to say anything to him. “Hey!” Louis said but when he tried to continue, a girl came from the dressing room and smirked at you. Your heart sank and you just wished you’d stay home and never see him with a girl. Sure, it would be all over twitter and newspapers but it wouldn’t hurt as much as seeing it with your own eyes. Your eyes watered and you picked yourself from the ground walking out of the store.

Harry: After long three weeks of crying and watching cheesy romantic movies, you finally went out. It was a sunny and hot morning when you woke up and decided to go to the park. You’ve been eating ice cream and chocolate for the past month and it was time for exercise. You got ready and walked out of the house. Your break up was quite bad, Harry was screaming at you for cheating and he was so angry he broke a mirror, it was just scary seeing him like that. You made your way to the park and sat down on bench. You were looking at the kids playing, even if it was early they were running around like crazy and that brought a smile on your face. The park wasn’t really full, there were just kids with their moms and some with their dads and maybe a few couples here and there. You missed Harry so much it hurt and seeing this couples here only made it worse. “Mind if we sit here,” a too familiar voice said and you looked up to see who it was. Harry with a girl. He was with a girl after only three weeks. He’s expression changed when he realized it was you. The girl behind him was smiling at you hut you wanted to rip her face off. Jealousy grew inside of you and you didn’t move or said anything. Harry was standing there for a few moments just staring at you and not moving. He didn’t even blink. “C’mon Harry, let’s go and leave this bitch alone,” the girl who was clenching onto his arms said and Harry face suddenly got red. His expression changed into an angry one, and if looks could kill that girl would be dead.

Niall: It was your parents’ anniversary and your family went to a restaurant. You were wearing a black tight dress and black high heels. The evening had to be perfect since you were planing it. You arrived at a fancy restaurant, it just opened and you heard celebrities are usually coming here, maybe you were lucky enough to see someone famous. You all sat down and started talking about everything, you were enjoying some time with your family because you didn’t see them very often. You heard gasps from the other people and turned to see what was going on. The second you turned your head, you wished you didn’t. Niall fucking Horan was standing there with a girl grasping his arm. She was wearing the exact same dress you were wearing. Her eyes met your and she smirked at you, kissing Niall’s cheek. He didn’t react at all, he just continued to talk to the waiter, probably asking for a table. To your unluckiness, the waiter gave them the table right next to you and you wanted to die. When they sat down, the girl made sure you heard every single word they said to each other and slowly tears made their way down your cheeks. Your family didn’t notice and you were happy they didn’t. You excused yourself from the table and walked to the bathroom quickly. When you ran pass Niall’s table he finally saw you and his eyes widened.

Zayn: Months passed since your break up and you were doing well. You weren’t crying over him because you kept telling yourself ‘he broke up with me. It’s his lost not mine.’ Today you were going to a party and you couldn’t wait. While you were together with Zayn, you had gotten a few friends who were famous and they invited you to their party. You spent the whole day looking for the perfect outfit and after that you went to get your hair done. After you were done and looking beautiful, you and your friend drove to the club where the party was. When you came, you saw a bunch of famous people and you couldn’t believe you were actually there. You went to the bar and got yourself a drink and looked around the club, it was full of people dancing, drinking and making out. People on the dance floor weren’t even dancing, they were just grinding on each other. You saw an attractive boy dancing on the dance floor and when you saw him you were drinking your fifth drink of the night, they were quite strong and you didn’t even know where you were. You were about to walk towards the boy but a slutty looking girl grabbed his hand and smacked her lips against his. Right then, you figured it out who it was. Zayn and some girl. Even if you were drunk, you felt like your heart was being ripped out of your body and you wanted to cry. It was fine when he wasn’t there, it was fine when you saw photos of him and girls but now it’s different,. He’s standing there, making out with a girl right in front of your eyes and you can’t do anything to stop it or get him back.

Liam: You’ve been in your bed for the whole day now, feeling to lazy to get out. It’s passed a few months since the break up and you weren’t quite over him by now but you were staying strong. You just miss him, the way he woke you up in the mornings, made you breakfast and everything else. You were on your computer watching movies and replying to the fans on twitter. You turned down your friends, when they asked you to go out with them. You weren’t feeling it, all you wanted to do was, lie in bed all day, watch sad movies and cry over them. Once again, you logged onto twitter and started replying fans. One sent you a photo and you opened it. Your heart broke into million of pieces and tears started streaming down your face. Liam was kissing a girl at the premiere. The comments were saying she’s just gold digger and that he was much happier with you but you didn’t care about the comments now. You pushed the computer away and lied down, covering yourself with a blanket. Tears were running down your cheeks and you were feeling like you wanted to puke. Your phone was vibrating but you ignored it even tho it was Liam who was calling.

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