46-He comforts you after a fight with your family...

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Liam:  "before you yell, did i do anything?" He says looking up at you from his paperwork. "No." You state, seeing him relax. "Proceed." He says gesturing with his hands. "I got in another fight with my parents." You mumble, sitting across from him. "About me? Again?" He asks, now his full attention on you. "Maybe." You mumble. "___. Tell me." he says, his voice now more stern. "They don't want me spending two weeks at a time here anymore! They are only saying a week now, and I just think its totally unfair!" You whine slightly, looking at Liam. "Of course i wish you could stay here longer. But if that;s what your parents want, then that's what we have to do. I'll still see you everyday sweetheart, I'll make sure of that, but your parents want to see you too, I can't keep your pretty face to myself." he says, smiling widely. You blush slightly as he pats your hand. "But since i get less time with you here...let's go make it worth it, alright?" he says suggestively, picking you up as you laugh.

Louis:  "Tears! Red alert." Harry shouts up towards Louis' room as you walk into their flat. You shoot Harry a look, he kisses your cheek as he passes, leaving with his own girlfriend "Tommo will fix it, whatever it is, _____." You smile slightly, seeing Louis himself bounding the stairs. "Those are angry tears. What happened?" he asks, greeting you with a kiss, reading your face in a single look. "My family did. They just bothered me all day today. I don't even know why! I was just beyond annoyed with them all day, so i blew up in their faces, came here and now I feel bad." You mutter, wiping an angry tear away. "As long as it's not 'blow up on the boyfriend' day, I'm okay." He says jokingly and you crack a smile and then his face turns serious. "___, they're the only family you've got though. so when you're angry for no reason, just ignore them, come here or whatever. It's hard being away from your family, so don't take it for granted." he says quietly and you know how much Lou misses his family when he tours." "Why are you always right." You mumble. "It's a talent!" he says happily, wiggling his car keys, "Time to go apologize." He says, and you nod, grabbing his hand.

Zayn:  "Hey now, no need to throw the hair products." He says, grabbing his mousse as you toss it behind you. "Instead of going on an angry cleaning rampage and taking it out of my stuff, why don't you tell me what happened." Zayn says softly, and you catch his caring glance in the mirror. "Nothing just a fight with my family. They think you're a bad kid or something." You say, brushing it off. "Okay, then I'll prove to them that I'm a softie who can't swim, and is afraid of the dark and heights." He says seriously and you giggle. The tattoos and smoking have never been on your parents list of a good boyfriend. "I treat you the best that I can, and I don't want you fighting with your parents over me. On that note, let's go over there and have dinner tonight. And i will make sure to wear a long sleeved turtle neck to cover up that tattoos." He says, wrapping his arms around your waist. "It's the middle of summer." You say, giggling slightly. "Anything for you babe." He says, kissing your cheek.

Niall:  You storm into his house, slamming his front door behind you. "Whoa, Hello to you too Princess." He says, hopping off the couch and setting his magazine down, but once he see your face, he blushes a bit. "Sorry for the sarcasm, what's wrong? You look beyond pissed off." You drop your purse. "It's just my family! They won't lay off about us! Even five seconds when i want to come over here it's 'Why are you spending so much time with that boy band guy?' or 'Did you know he's been photographed drunk.'" "It was one time..." Niall mumbles. "Exactly!" You screech back, throwing up in your arms in frustration. "I just thought if anyone would support us it would be my own family, and I guess I was wrong." You mutter, falling onto his couch. "We know whats true and isn't, and I'm sorry that they have a problem with my profession, but there is nothing i can do to change that at this point." He says, chuckling slightly. "But they should see that I love you more than anything, and would do anything for you. And if they don't see that yet, we have a lot of time to convince them." He says sweetly as you blush. "Thank you." You says quietly as he drops a kiss to your forehead.

Harry:  "And then! They shove the magazine in my face. First off, your hair is flipped the complete wrong way, not to mention that the girl is the same model that 'Liam had a wild night with' I mean it wasn't even a good gossip magazine! Or decent photoshop! I just wanted to throw something at them!" Harry nods, swallowing his orange slice. "You notice which was my hair flips?" he asks, his voice amused. "Haz." You say pointedly. "I'm impressed, your old fan girl ways have started to creep out. But seriously, who cares what everyone else thinks of us. The only people that have to be concerned with our relationship is us. This is our lives, not anyone elses. And give your parents some time to get used to the tabloids, everyone adjusts to them differently, and I bet they're not exactly thrilled with their daughter being on the cover of magazines every week." He says, and you can feel yourself calming down by just listening to him, "But seriously would you notice if I wore my watch on the other arm?" He says cheekily. You shove his shoulder lightly as he dramatically takes his watch and switches it to the other wrist. 

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