38-Best friends lost

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Harry:You sat in front of your computer, idly going through some old photo albums on your Facebook. It was like every other picture had your once-called best friend in it, causing waves of memories to flood over you. You let out a sigh as you skipped through the summer album, knowing you wouldn't be able to handle it right now, and moved onto your first year of college - the year you met Harry. As if on cue, he let out a short cough to give you notice that he was in the room. "You alright?" He asked from behind you, making sure to keep his distance. "I just thought she was different from everyone else," You murmured, clicking through the numerous photos without actually looking at them. He pulled your hand from the mouse, twisting the chair you were in so you had no choice but to look at him. "Hey," He began, giving your hand a comforting squeeze. "I'll be your new best friend instead. I'm a good listener and I can make you laugh when you're feeling down and I'll tell you to leave your stupid boyfriend because he's no good for you and you deserve someone like.. like Channing Tatum, or something." You couldn't help but smile, shaking your head from side to side. He gave you a soft kiss to your lips as he then murmured, "Plus I love you. Lots." Liam:"Forget this," You muttered bitterly, tossing the envelopes in your hand onto the kitchen counter indifferently. "I don't need her anyway," You tried pep talking yourself as you continued fingering through the mail. "She was dumb and not worth my time and it's not like I wasted four years of my life being by her side when guys broke her heart or staying up until four in the morning to make sure she didn't choke on her puke after a night of partying." Liam sat across the kitchen counter with his forehead creasing in worry, his hands unsure of if grabbing a hold of yours would be make you feel better or worse. "You're right, you know," He suddenly murmured which caused you to finally look up at him. You tilted your head a bit, showing him you were listening and waiting for him to continue. "You don't need her," He stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "You've got tons of people who care more about you and your well being than she ever did - like me. Like the boys. Like your family and I'm sure you've got other friends." His hand finally rested on top of yours, his thumb running along the web of your hand. "Don't let her get you down, love, okay?" Louis:"Who was the one that helped her off the monkey bars when she got stuck? Who was the one that told her that one guy was bad news, but she dated him anyway, and was still there when she ended up being right? Who was the first person she rode a rollercoaster with, ate sushi with, and went out of the country with? Certainly not that other girl," He ranted. "And it never will be that other girl. You know what, she's dumb. She is really dumb if she's going to up and replace you like that. You deserve a better best friend, love." He was now settled beside you, sitting cross-legged, with his hands resting on his lap. "You deserve someone that's going to be there for you whenever you need them, even if it's in the early morning. Someone that you can talk to about your problems - or to brag about how awesome your boyfriend is," He raised his eyebrows suggestively as a smile crept across his face. "Someone that isn't going to let you down or replace you or just treat you wrong." His hands were now tugging at yours, his fingers softly running along the lines indented into your palms. "Don't be upset because of her, babe. She's not worth it. You'll find a better best friend," He murmured knowingly. Leaning forward to rest your head against his chest, you simply whispered, "Thank you." Niall:"I trusted him with a lot of stuff, you know? He was my best friend since middle school and I just.. What the fuck?" Your eyebrows furrowed together as you reread the text message from someone you once called your best friend. "I don't even know what I did," You mumbled sadly as you set your phone down on the coffee table. Niall protectively wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, knitting the fingers of his left hand with the ones on his right in order to keep you still. "Doesn't matter," He began with his blue eyes staring directly at you. "He doesn't know what he's missing and he's a damn fool for up and leaving you like that. You're an amazing girl with a really big heart and you'll easily make new friends who will replace him because you're just oh-so-lovable," He cooed, untying one of his hands to gently pinch your cheek. You stuck your tongue out at him after sliding from his grasp. "It just sucks," You mumbled after a moment of silence. "Really, really sucks." Again, Niall pulled you into him and this time placed multiple kisses to your temple down to your cheek. "I know," he whispered. "But you'll make it. You've got me. I'll protect you." Zayn:You were filing through your closet, making sure to take everything that had once been owned or worn by her out. It was hard; although you hadn't known her all your life, she was the first person you could say you trusted. But now with a new boyfriend and new friends, she's transformed into a pure figure of everything you hate. You pulled a sweater out from the back of your closet, letting out a sigh as the memory tied with it rumbled through your mind. "Need any help?" A soft voice murmured from behind you. You turned around to see Zayn sheepishly rubbing his arm, clearly unclear of what to do in the given situation. "Yeah," You answered. It took nearly every fiber of you not to lash your anger out on him. He took a seat beside you on the floor, pulling out a couple of articles of clothing and handing them to you to examine. You hadn't realized how much of your stuff held memories of your once best friend until you glanced at the growing pile of clothes next to you. "I never really liked her anyway," He grumbled from next to you. Immediately, you turned your head to look at him, eyebrows raised, waiting for a further explanation. He lazily shrugged his shoulders, "Just never did. Dunno why.. I guess not until now."

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