180-Summer Nights

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Louis: "Oh, be more confident and strip!" he scolds quietly, beckoning for you to join him in the pool, where his bare chest glistens in the star light, his lower half only covered by the dark water. Hushing him slightly, you sigh and strip off the last of your clothes, before hurrying into the water. "We're gonna get caught" you whisper, making your way over to him. "No we won't, I told you, they're on vacation in the states, the pool is practically ours" he chuckles, pulling your body against his, pressing his lips to your forehead. "oh!" he murmurs, swimming over to the side of the pool and flipping a switch, allowing the lights in the pool to come on. You both gasp in surprise, before giggling and swimming towards eachother. He dives under the water, you following after him as you meet his eyes, before he's kissing you, with a goofy smile on his lips. "I just kissed you underwater," he says resurfacing, "we've literally snuck into our neighbor's pool, and just kissed underwater, stark naked." 

Harry: "Harry!" you shout, glaring at him as he enters the kitchen guiltily. "You ate all the ice cream!" He smiles innocently, wringing his hands through his messy hair as he stutters out excuses. "Oh no, don't do that puppy dog rubbish with me, take me to the grocery store now!" you exclaim, tossing him his keys. "But babe, it's 1 in the morni-" he begins to protest, before you cut him off with a stern look, which he gives into, rolling his eyes with that chesire cat smile plastered across his face. He nods, taking your hand in his free hand, and leading you out to the car. Blasting the oldies station he always has preset on his car radio and rolling the windows down, you both sing along, loudly and off key, to whatever they play, driving slowly through the empty streets, before pulling into the hardly occupied parking lot of the store, and striding, hand in hand, into the ice cream aisle, clad in pajamas and love struck grins. 

Niall: "C'mon!" Niall exclaims, taking your hand and dragging you, nearly head over heels, out the back door and flying off the deck and into your back yard. You chuckle, hurrying down the steps after him as he gazes around. The sun has just barely set, the sky a light greysish purple, and before you can even mention the flash of small light before your eyes, he's up and chasing after it. Laughing with your head thrown back, you chase after him, before breaking off his trail and going after your own firefly, shouting in success once you feel it between your hands. "Niall!" you call and he's smiling, running over to you empty handed. "Lemme see" he murmurs in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist as you open your hands a bit, revealing the small lightning bug. It crawls up your arm slowly, lighting up occasionally as you and Niall stare in awe, before opening it's wings and flying off, bursts of light appearing farther and farther away. "C'mon, let's get another one!" he cheers, and with a kiss on the cheek, he's off and running again. 

Zayn: "I haven't done this since I was 12" you mumble, cuddling further into Zayn's side. Feeling his body vibrate with a short chuckle, added more by the swing of the hammock, you both giggle, looking up into the late night, or early morning sky.With his arms around your torso, and one of yours draped over his body, the other pointing up at the sky. "That's Adromeda" you breathe, and he shivers despite the heat, feeling your breath against his skin, "and there's Cassiopeia" He's rolling his eyes, though you can't see, and tightening his grip around you. "I don't know why you're trying to teach me all this, I'm hopeless" he says, and his voice sound heavenly, all sleepy and raw, mingling with the sounds of crickets and gentle breathing. "Just try, what's that one?" you ask, smiling because you know you're trying in vain. He stutters out "umm"s and incomprehensible sounds, "Saggitarius?" he finally guesses breathily. "that's my zodiac sign you dope, it's the Big Dipper, see there's Polaris, and it's the tip of the constellation, but it's also part of a bunch of others" you explain and he's smiling wearily, "that's lovely babe, let's cuddle" 

Liam: The whole summer so far has been adventurous, and crazy, and romantic, and packed full of activities, and you both need some down time. With the air conditioner cranked high, a stack of corny romance films, and a whole bag of freshly frozen otter pops laid out on the bed beside you, you're both heavily content. He's leaning back against the pillows, your body sitting between his legs, your back against his chest and his arms clasped in front of your stomach. Occasionally he's pressing kisses to the back of your head, and ripping open the plastic tube ice pops when you're too lazy to do it. And four sappy movies in, with 4 slushy ice pops left, your head lulled back against his shoulder, and quiet snores falling from your lips. He beams at your sleeping figure, lifting your from your position and waking you in the process, though he doesn't notice. As he returns to bed from throwing out all the garbage, and shutting off the TV, you reach out towards him, eyes hooded and lips curved up in a sleepy grin. He chuckles at you, kissing your nose then lips chastely, before both of you drift off, with excitement for what's ahead the next day.

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