162-truth or dare

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Harry: You sat in a circle with the rest of the boys and the girlfriends after someone suggested truth or dare. "When did this turn into a 12-year-old girl's birthday party?" Louis snickered. You went around for about 15 minutes before Niall finally called on you. You smirked before saying, "dare" Niall glanced at Louis before turning back to you and saying," Y/N, I dare you to streak down the street" You hesitated for a moment before pulling your jeans and sweater off, and running out the door, Harry hot on your heels, his torso bare and his pants halfway off. 

Liam: Being Niall's sister, you got to spend a lot of time with the boys when they were off tour, just like tonight as you all sat around your flat, bored shitless and about to play a game of truth or dare. "oh Leeeyummm....truth or dare?" Louis smirked. "Dare, but I'm probably gonna regret it" he chuckles. "hmmmm, what to do what to do..." Louis sings, Harry leans over and whispers something into his ear and Louis' face lights up and he nods deviously. "Liam, I dare you to snog Y/N for two minutes straight" He glanced at your nervously, before smiling and cupping your face in his hands, pressing his lips to yours aggressively, before you knew it, his hands were just about to slide up your shirt when Zayn said "times up!" Liam groaned and pulled away, leaving you breathless and giddy. "two minutes already? I guess i was wrong, I don't regret that at all" 

Louis: You, Zayn, Louis, and Niall were hanging out late one night and you were all bored so Zayn suggested truth or dare. Niall had just finished giving Zayn a lap dance, courtesy of your dare, when Zayn called on you. "uhh truth" you said, afraid of what dare he would configure. "are you a virgin?" he asked without a second thought. you scoffed, "no!" Zayn and Niall nodded, probably expecting that answer, but Louis' eyes widened and he rushed over to your side, "wait!? you're not?! how many guys have you slept with?!" he exclaims "ah ah ah Tomlinson, one question per turn" you wink. 

Niall: You and Niall were best friends and you were currently hanging out with his bandmates, playing a drunken game of truth or dare, but surprisingly enough Niall wasn't drunk, he was nominated as designated driver that night. "NIiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll" Harry sang in his tipsy stupor. "yeah?" "truth or dare ireland" he winked. Niall rolled his eyes and chose truth, concerned by what dares Harry's intoxicated mind could come up with. "if you could fuck any girl in the world right now, who would it be?" Harry slurred. Niall laughed and said, "oh that's easy, Y/N" leaving you to suddenly sober up. 

Zayn: You and Zayn lay in bed, neither of you able to sleep, but too tired to do anything. You glanced at the clock for the fourth time in the last ten minutes, 3:48 am. "truth or dare?" Zayn suddenly asked quietly. "truth" you sighed, curling up against his warm chest. He thought for a moment in silence before whispering hoarsely, "are you happy.... with me?" with a hint of nerve in his sleepy voice. "happier than I've been all my life" you breathe "really?" you nod against his chest. "even when I'm on tour?", you look up at his face to find his eyes staring intensely back, "yes because I know that you'll be back for me" you say. He gives a lazy smile and a gentle peck on the lips, "i love you." 

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