156-Your Child Has Been Abused/ Cheated On

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Your Child Has Been Abused/ Cheated On

Harry: "For the last time Harry! The waiter was NOT flirting with me! He was just being polite" you told him clearly annoyed as you opened the door to your house. Harry huffed. "Of course he was." You threw your coat on the chair in the hallway and shuffled off your shoes, mumbling, "Whatever, Harry." You went into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water as Harry followed you, telling "I'm not blind, [Y/N]! And I'm not dumb either! The waiter was flirting with you and you didn't do anything!" "Harry, would you sto-" Your arguing suddenly got interrupted by a feeble cry. You quickly looked at Harry who had his eyebrows furrowed and a questioning look on his face. When another cry was heard from upstairs, Harry quickly followed them, you on his heels. He pushed the door to your daughters bedroom open and was just as shocked as you to see her boyfriend on top of her about to slap her right across the face. "Mom. Dad" she whimpered as she spotted you. Harry's jaw clenched and he doubled his fists, before pulling your daughters boyfriend off of her. He grabbed him at the neck of his shirt and escorted him outside while throwing some insulting words at him. Your daughter sat up and you were quickly by her side as the tears just poured out of her eyes. Holding her to your chest, you ran a comforting hand over her back and then over her cheek where a red-purple bruise was already forming. "That little bastard" Harry mumbled under his breath as he came back into the room. He took a deep breath in order to keep himslef calm and sat next to you two. "Are you okay sweetheart?" She slightly nodded, "Thank you, daddy."

Niall: You bothknew there was something up after your son came home and didn't even bother to say 'hi'. He walked straight upstairs and slammed his door shut, before you could call after him. Niall, who sat at the kitchen table and watched you cooking, raised an eyebrow, but you just shrugged, neither knowing what was going on. Niall stood up and went to the stairs, calling his name. But your boy didn't response, and you went over to your husband, asking, "Do you think we should go and talk to him?" He shook his head and climbed the stairs, "I think I should go after him. Talking from man to man, y'know?" You nooded, understanding and agreeing as you went back to the food on your stove. 10 minutes of silence went by when Niall finally came back down and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, placing his head on your shoulder. "And?" you simply asked, stirring the sauce ones more. "You remember that girl he hung out with lately?", Niall questioned and you nodded, knowing who he meant. "Well, apperantly the two of them were dating." Your eyes went wide, shocked that you didn't know wbout your son's realtionship, as Niall spoke up again. "But also she had something going on with one of his football mates. Neither of them knew and when they found out they started fighting, not knowing everything was her fault - Now they know and made up, but our little boy really liked her and is lovesick for the first time." You were about to say something but Niall cut you off. "He'll do alright. Just remember your first time being lovesick and look where we're now."

Liam: Liam had never been as angry as when he found out that his son-in-law cheated on your son. He called you in the moring, like he did weekly, and told you about what happend. Also he said that he would come over later that day and that you don't have to worry about it, even though Liam freaked out anyway. He paced the room up and down as you cleaned the house for the arrival of your son. "Liam would you please stop moving and take a seat? You bring me to heel!" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he apologized and flopped down onto the couch, putting his head in his hands while his elbows rested on his knees. "But how am I supposed to calm down when I know that my son has been cheated on by his husband, who we always thought was his soulmate?" You sighed and put the dust wiper down, taking a seat next to your caring husband. "I know Liam. I'm angry and sad, too. But he's not a child anymore. He's an adult and knows what to do. He can make his own decisions and take care of himself. We just need to let him be and see what happens - We don't know if it was just a kiss or sex anyway. And maybe he's mad, but maybe he even wants to forgive him." Liam let out a loud groan of disapproval. "Lord help me if he's going to forgive him." You quietly chuckled, exactly knowing that your husband could never change your sons mind, as Liam spoke up again. "But I'm actually happy to see him today. It's been a while."

Louis: "Mom! Dad!" your eldest son called as soon as he came back from school. "Do you even know what happened to him?" he asked angrily, pointing at his younger brother, who you had to bring home from school early because he got into a fight and was injured. "Of course I do. He got into a fight" you said, knitting your brows, not sure if you understood his question correctly. "But do you know who he fought?" he questioned and his brother immediately jumped up, yelling, "Shut your mouth!" "No! They have to know!" And suddenly both of your sons were in each other faces, screaming and insulting the other one. It probably would have gotten out of hand, if Louis wouldn't have come in. "STOP IT! What is even going on here?!" The fighting boys turned to him and your eldest spoke up, "He got beaten up by his fucking girlfriend and won't admit it!" All eyes were on your injured son by then. His face flushed and turned to the ground, embarassed by the situation. "Is that true?" Louis asked worried, putting a hand on his' sons shoulder as he just nodded in response. "Why didn't you tell us?" Your youngest shook of your husbands hand, literally screaming "Well what do you think?! Because it's fucking embarassing to get beaten up by your own girlfriend!! I couldn't even defend myself!" After that confession of him, Louis pulled him aside and had a conversation with him, encouraging him the best he could. In the aftermath of that talk your son was definitely more open and confident, but Louis never told you what they talked about and you wondered ever since then.

Zayn: "Mommy!" your six years old daughter cried as she ran over to where you and Zayn were sitting on the picnic blanket. Tears were streaming down her face as she crashed into your arms. "What happened, sweetie?" you asked as you ran your fingers through her hair. "Did you hurt yourself?" Zayn wondered. She shook her head and burried her face further into your collar bones, sobbing. "M-My husband said he likes another girl better than me." Her 'husband' was your daughters best friend and they used to play every day together, even giving eachother quick pecks sometimes. It was pretty cute to see the both of them holding hands and calling eachother 'husband' and 'wife', but -even though they were that young- it was wrecking to see your daughter hurt. "Aw baby" Zayn cooed, "C'mere." And took the little girl from your arms in his', rocking her back and forth. "A-and then h-he kissed her o-on the che-ek" your daughter added, sniveling. You were about to speak up and comfort her, when all of sudden your daughters husband stood beside you. "I'm sorry, darling" the little guy apologized like a gentleman, "I did not want to make you angry at me. You are my wife not her. - Do you want to come to the swings with me?" Your daughter wiped her tears, stood up and smiled as he took her and in his, walking to the playground together. "I don't even like her better than you."

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