Genin Exams part 1

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//A/N// Ok, I put a bad word or two in there so, you have been warned!
Disclaimer; I own nothing! I don't own the quotes, most of the places, songs, or half of the characters.
"Different language!"

Naruto opened his eyes, his body shooting upwards near instantly, sweat covering him from near all of his pours as tears began to slide down his whiskered and reddened cheeks. Realization hit him after he had caught his breath and processed were he was and what had happened: a nightmare, he had only had a nightmare. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. He was safe...for now at least...was the young kitsune ever really safe though? His apartment was old and had seen better days with graffiti every were on his walls going along the lines of "die demon" "your not wanted here" in either bright red paint, or the blood of an animal, most likely from a pig or fox.
He looked to his abused door with worry, it wouldn't be the first time someone would break it down if someone were to attack. He sighed and went to get up off of the long ruined mattress when his healing wounds started acting up. He went to the small bathroom connected to his room to switch the bandages and noticed that he would need some more soon. His apartment had two rooms with his "bed" and a small table with his goggles and an old mask on it in one room and the other was a small bathroom with the more basic necessities. Next to the bed was a small kitchen with a normal, if not small, looking table, if not scratched up a bit.
He shivered at the cold temperature his house was. It was fall now, the dreaded winter quickly approaching. He didn't have any heating, nor hot water. If he wanted to get warm water he had to heat it up with a small blue flame he had been able to make in the center of his palm.
It was always blue, why? He didn't know, wasn't fire supposed to be red and orange? He thought so, and recalled seeing it multiple times but who knows? Maybe it could be multi colored. He took off the damp and dirtied clothes he had been wearing and went through his morning schedule. After taking a warmed-up-by-his-fire shower, he made a thing of instant ramen, his favorite food due to it's easy accessibility, and looked at the calendar. His ears flattened against his head in fear, his wings giving a small flutter and tails pooling up in fear. It was October 4th and THAT day was quickly approaching.
"Nothing I can do about it..." He said in a defeated tone as he ate his finally finished meal. He sat, waiting for it to cook. The smell would find its way to his sensitive nose and made it utter agony to wait for. He quickly inhaled his meal and enjoyed the feeling of a full stomach as it made him feel a decent bit better.
Checking the time on his cracked clock, he cursed, he was running late. He quickly used one of the only jutsu he knew to hide his ears and tail before putting on his orange jacket. It was bright and a bit of an eyesore and he knew it. He kept it for two reasons, one, he really liked the color orange, and two, it was the only thing they would give the young kitsune when he went clothes shopping. It was warm and Jiji had gotten him clothes he liked more to go under it so he really didn't care. Plus it had room on the inside so he could slip some stuff here and there in it when he needed a kunai or two after "finding" it somewhere. He kept his wings out though. You couldn't see them from there place inside his jacket anyway so he kept them out.
He opened the door to his apartment and stepped into the crisp Autumn air. He didn't want to be seen by any of the citizens right now, everything had always gotten worse this time of year so he jumped onto the nearest roof soundlessly and took off with the agility and speed of a fox. When he was close to the academy, he jumped down into an alleyway and walked the rest of the way. He went to his seat in the back and sat after yelling something about being the hokage one day and "believe it!".
Being satisfied with his display, he looked around and waited for class to start. Why does he act infront of others? he has to keep his mask up infront of them. No, Naruto was not dumb, nor did he want to become the hokage. Why would he want to become the leader to this place anyway after all that they had done to him in the past....But he needed to keep up his mask after all. He had noticed that there were Anbu on his tail watching him after a while, how could he not? He had very acute senses and thanks to his "kenkie genkies" was a natural with many things, sensory was so easy actually, it was a side effect to the ways of his people. With his hypersensitive senses (including sense of chakra as we will call it XD) made it easy to see them. How else were there more than one heartbeat when he was alone? It only made sense that he was being monitored to see if they had a potential weapon or if they had to send him to root or dispose of him. So he put on an act. He and his people were masters of trickery after all. Suddenly he was punched in the back of the head hard by a furious Pinket after having been ignored.
"Ow! What the heck was that for Sakura chan?!" He asked, a bit out of character for his persona, rather loudly

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