China Doll

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Riley stared at the back of Tommy's head while he slept. The snow had started to come down heavy, making the small room much colder. She snuggled closer, grateful for his body heat. Her fingertips began drawing circles on his back, his shirt tightening as his muscles tensed. He turned on his side to face her, their noses touching. Riley smiled at the hair that stuck up on the side of his head.

He stayed perfectly still, just staring, his blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark.

"Don't be scared anymore, Riley." The bed vibrated slightly as he spoke.

"I'm not." She whispered back. She bit her bottom lip and leaned closer.

Without another word he turned back around, leaving her to face his back once more. She stared blankly at the back of his head. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arm over his side. She heard him let out a low breath.

She pulled herself closer to him, her chest flat against his back. She pressed her lips against the back of his shirt and began to kiss his arm, leading up to his neck.

"Riley..." His tone was strong, but she heeded no warning. She sat up on her elbow and stared at his open glowing eyes. He stared off into the darkness of the bedroom. Riley buried her face into his neck. She felt him turn into her.

"Riley. Please."

She felt his breath on her face. She put her pointer finger on his mouth and traced the outline of his full lips.

Riley grabbed his face and pushed her lips onto his. He pushed her away gently.

"Riley I can't. Please." He sat up in the bed beside her.

"I don't understand." She sat with her back against the wall staring into his eyes, which seemed to be glowing brighter.

"I don't want to break you."

Riley shook her head. "You're not going to break me, Tommy." She reached forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him once more. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them up against the wall.

"Yes I am. Look." His eyes were close to white now, his voice a low rumble. Riley looked down at the dust falling onto the bed. Her eyes following the trail of dust up to her arms. They were cracking like fragile porcelain. Bits and pieces were falling onto her lap, coating the blanket with dust.

She opened her mouth to scream, but heard nothing. Her throat was dry, aching. It began to crumble...

Riley sat up in bed with a loud gasp. She grabbed at her throat, looking down at her hands. She took in deep breaths to steady herself. Her dreams were running rampant and she couldn't stand it. Shivering, she wrapped herself in the blanket to get warm.

Tommy must have left hours ago, she thought. His spot on the bed wasn't warm anymore. She missed him already. When he had climbed into bed with her, upon her asking, he wrapped his arms around her. She drifted off to sleep knowing she was perfectly safe.

Ugh. She looked down at the jeans and tee shirt she had been wearing since yesterday. Looking through Tommy's dresser she found a pair of black sweatpants and a grey shirt. Of course they were huge on her, but she felt better already. The shirt smelled like him and that made her smile.

"Do you need me to come and get you!?" Anna all but yelled into the phone, making Riley pull back the house phone from her ear.

"I'm fine Anna." Riley laughed knowing she had just dropped a lot of news on her best friends plate.

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