Something Wrong

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Tommy let Riley sleep.

She was exhausted, upset and so emotionally distraught that she threw up the moment he put the truck in drive. He wanted to take her to the hospital but he assured him there was nothing wrong. She just wanted to strip down to nothing and climb in bed.

It was freezing in Tommy's room - the tiny upstairs bedroom in his father's house had only a small baseboard that gave off a tiny bit of heat. Tommy pulled one of his sweatshirts over Riley's naked body but not before admiring her stomach. It was still petite, like her, but he couldn't wait until he saw the bump start to grow.

Boy or girl, he didn't care. He just wanted to be able to enjoy his new life as a father. Something he didn't really get from his own father. No, things for their baby would be different. They would be better and Tommy would make sure of it.

This tournament meant everything now. It meant a new life for Manny's family and now it meant a new life for Tommy's family too.

The morning came quick for Tommy. As he peeled away from the curve of Riley's body, he tried not to wake her, but she felt him move away and slowly took hold of his arm and pulled him closer.

"Mmm. Don't leave me just yet." She said into the blanket.

He kissed the back of her neck. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Riley was silent in contemplation. How was she? Happy to be in this bed with Tommy. Tired after an emotional day yesterday. Sad that she missed the rest of the reception. Angry that her mother was the cause.

Riley began to cry again.

Tommy held her softly and apologized.

"Don't be sorry." Riley said in between sniffles. "I'm sorry. She just - she's just - terrible."

After a few deep breaths, Riley began. "I can't even believe she said that about him. Why would I ever want to be with someone like that. He's in jail for hitting me ELIZABETH. IN JAIL."

Riley was getting worked up again and Tommy had to calm her down once more. He swallowed hard knowing that she wasn't going to like what he was about to tell her. He rubbed his large hand in circles around her back.

"Riley. About that..."

"What?" She turned to face him.

They stared at each other for some time.

"What Tommy?"

He didn't want to tell her but he knew he had to.

"Ryan isn't in jail."

Riley blinked a few times trying to process this. Logic began to trickle in. "He posted bail."

He was a wealthy man and these "powerful men", as Elizabeth had said just hours earlier, usually got their way.

"No. He never even got arrested." Tommy waited for her to respond but she just sat there with a dark look on her face. "I had your brother look into it. He called in a few favors and no one at the precinct ever saw him come in."

"What do you mean?"

"Jack went down to the station himself and looked at the security footage. It shows Noah pulling him out of the car, Anna slapping him and a few seconds later, it shows Ryan getting up and running away."

No. Riley thought. "No. All that I went through. All that violence was for nothing?"

She began to shake. Her emotions were taking her down a dark and unhealthy path and she knew that it wasn't safe for her to be this distraught. Not for herself. Not for their baby.

"Tommy. Please. Just tell me that I'm going to be safe. That she is going to be safe." She put a hand over her belly and closed her eyes. She hoped for safety and she hoped for tranquility but she knew that with Ryan on the loose, it might not happen. The baby's gender was still unknown but she felt it in her veins that it was going to be a girl. A girl with plump lips and piercing blue eyes, just like her father.

"I will do everything to keep the both of you safe. I promise you."

He kissed her softly and decided not to go train.

Paddy shouted as Tommy flipped the giant tractor tire across the junkyard.

"You must not want to beat your brother if you think missing a day of training is going to be good for you! Again!" He repeated as Tommy flipped the tire once more.

Sweat was dripping down his already wet shirt. He was hot and it was snowing and all he could think about was Riley and the baby. He had to train hard. He had to win big. But he had to protect Riley.

With a heavy grunt, Tommy let all of his frustration and flipped the tire, shouting as it came down, creating a cloud of snow and dirt.

"That's it! That's what you need to do!" Paddy cheered on his son and his strength. "That's what I want to see! Wait. Where are you going?"

Paddy grabbed a hold of Tommy's arm and pulled him back. "Where are you going? Tommy we have three hours left."

"Riley needs me." He said grabbing his hoodie and jacket.

"You have ESP all of a sudden? Get back to training."

"I'm done with training right now." He kept his back to Paddy as he gathered his things.

"Listen to me."

Tommy started to walk away.

"Hey! Listen!" Paddy growled, ripping Tommy back to attention. "You know I love that girl. But you need to focus. You ain't gonna win this tournament if you don't focus. I told you before not to get distracted and you're distracted. Focus!"

Tommy knew Paddy was right. He needed to focus. This tournament was important. But he also knew that Riley was stressed out and when he left her this morning she didn't look so good.

Paddy went on as Tommy stared off into the distance. "Brendan is training at that hot shot gym and word is he's looking pretty good. You wanna beat him you gotta-"

"Riley's pregnant." Tommy interrupted, still staring away.

Paddy was genuinely surprised. He clapped his sons back and smiled. "Well. I'll be damned. You're gonna be a pop."

Tommy let a small smile creep onto his face. Every time he thought about it he smiled. "I know I need to focus. I am focused. I'm winning this tournament and nothing's going to get in my way. But Riley's going through some shit and I need to be there with her. I'm running tonight, then getting the keys to the gym from Fenroy to train afterwards."

Paddy had never heard something so clear come out of his sons mouth. He had a plan and a good head on his shoulders. He definitely took after his mother. "Alright. I'll see you at the gym tonight."

Tommy nodded. He hopped into Riley's truck and drove towards her place where he left her this morning. He had a few missed calls from her, but no voicemails or texts. As he went to call her back, the phone rang in his hand. It was Riley.

"Hey. I'm leaving now. Everything okay?" He asked.

She answered grimly. "No. There's something wrong."

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