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Riley crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at Tommy with furrowed brows. It had been three days and he was already sitting at a bar with some woman. Riley was beyond pissed.

"You're an asshole." She sniffled her tears back and turned on her heel. Stomping back to the girls, she heard him call after her.

"Riley!" He reached for her arm and turned her around. She slapped his hand away and pushed him back.

"Leave me alone." Riley left Tommy standing there looking dumbfounded. She reached Anna who was standing there with a confused look on her face.

"What's the matter?" Anna said, craning her neck to see Tommy standing a few feet away talking to a girl and a guy, all while looking at Riley.

"He was with a girl." Riley's lip quivered as she spoke, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

"What?!" Anna said in shock. "Seriously?" She let her jaw drop.

"Can we go?" Riley looked at Anna with pleading eyes.

"Of course. Lets go." Anna gathered the other girls and handed Riley her leather jacket. She shimmied it on her arms and felt someone help it over her shoulders. She turned and faced Tommy, who was looking at her with his patient eyes.

"Ri, its not -" He started but was interrupted by Anna.

"You have some nerve!" She jabbed him in the shoulder with her fingers. "Look at her face! She's crying! You know how worried she's been not knowing where you are? And here you are, low and behold! With some... some hussy!" Anna pushed him harder, but he was a wall. She shook her head at him and grabbed Riley by the hand. She pulled her out the door and into the cool air of the night. The rest of the girls were outside waiting, whispering amongst themselves, and stopped when Riley and Anna reached them.

Riley wiped her face and rolled her eyes. She stared up at Anna who looked gorgeous in a hot pink dress, her blonde hair perfectly coiffed in an up-do. She had been looking forward to this night since her uptight bridal shower. Riley would be damned if she was going to let her bet friend's bachelorette party be ruined on account of her own drama. She sucked in the rest of her tears and smoothed her black dress down.

"Okay, bitches. Where's the next bar?" Riley said with more enthusiasm than normal. She gave the group a mischievous smile, hoping to cover up her grief.

"Riley," Anna put a hand on her best friend's shoulder. "You don't have to do this."

"Oh hush, A! If she wants to keep the party going, I say we keep it going." Leah chirped as she slung her arm around Riley's neck and began walking down the street to the black stretch limousine.

Anna watched as Leah and Riley staggered happily down the sidewalk. She wanted to make sure Riley was really okay with what just happened. Riley poked her head around the open door of the limo and smiled at Anna, waving her over. She gave Riley a sympathetic smile, which was countered by a sly smile and wiggly eyebrows.

Anna chuckled. "Okay, lets do it!"

The girls had somehow ended up at an upper class bar Valerie had heard about from one of her sorority sisters. It was quieter than the pub, filled with men and women who looked like they had just stepped out of Express. The seats were plush, tables sleek and modern. Riley sipped on her whiskey and coke, needed something a little stronger to survive the night.

Her phone had buzzed non stop from Tommy's phone calls and texts. So much so, that she had thrown it out of the window of the moving limousine. A second later, she regretted her decision and made the driver pull over so she could search the sidewalk for her phone. Amazingly, it was found with a few scuffs and a shattered screen, but still it worked. And when it buzzed again, she handed it over to Anna who shut it off and crammed it into her tiny clutch for safe keeping.

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