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As Riley watched Anna and Noah walk down the aisle and out of the small church, she couldn't help but get emotional. Of course, most of her tears were thanks to her pregnancy hormones but nonetheless, she was still infinitely happy to see her best friend marry a great man.

Tommy stood behind Riley, absentmindedly placing his hand over her stomach as they waited for the crowd to clear.

"You did good MOH." He said in her ear.

She smiled, wiping away another tear. Through all the happy tears, she also had some sad ones. Anna would be moving out and in with Noah once they got back from their short honeymoon in the Bahamas. And while Noah lived just fifteen minutes away, Riley would still be alone.

Tommy's voice only partially interrupted her thought. Of course she thought of having him move in. But he was training. There were rules. And while she had seven more months until their baby was born, she wasn't sure if she was ready to for her entire life to change just yet.

"Riley?" Tommy's voice again...

"Hmm?" She turned so her cheek was touching his chest.

"You feeling okay?" He rubbed her stomach again. Her belly hadn't grown a bit, but it was a nice gesture that Riley was starting to get used to.

"Mhmm." She hummed. "Maybe a little hungry."

He chuckled. "When are you not hungry? Come on, let's feed you and that little fighter that's in there."

"Little fighter? What if it's a girl?" She poked at Tommy with her fingers as they walked down the aisle of the church.

"She could be a little fighter too." He laughed.

"What if she's a painter?"

"Or what if he's a painter?"

Riley stopped at the old oak door of the church and looked at Tommy. They looked very ethereal with the last mornings glow behind them, underneath a garland of greenery, roses and pearls. They hadn't talked about what gender they wished the baby to be or what name the baby would take just yet. They hadn't even talked about their living situation or even about marriage. But it dawned on Riley as they playfully bickered about the future career of their unborn child, that she didn't need to have all of that figured out just yet. She was happy to know that it was happening, whatever it was. And that it was happening with Tommy.

He looked at her quietly, studying the face of serenity that he had come to love.

The time, the place, the setting made Riley feel overwhelmed with peace and joy and her tears from earlier had subsided as she thought to herself something completely crazy. If Tommy were to ask, right here, right now, she would shout the word 'Yes!' at the top of her lungs.

So she waited for Tommy to ask her to marry him.

But he didn't.

Instead, he leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose and told her he loved her.

Riley got emotional again, feeling a slight sting of rejection. She knew it was the hormones again, playing games with her mind. How could Tommy possibly know what she was thinking? He couldn't and she knew crying over it made no sense, but she couldn't hold back the tears.

"Ri? What is it?" Tommy tried to pull her chin up so their eyes would meet but she refused to look at him. "Hello? Earth to the most beautiful woman I know..."

These sweet words made Riley cry even more. Hysterical, she buried her face into Tommy's suit jacket.

He brought her into his arms but before he could ask her what was wrong, Elizabeth broke their moment of sweet silence.

Fighting For Her - A 'Warrior' FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now