Chapter 1

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Ahhhh, so excited. Please enjoy. I've been working on this for a long time. Like super long. Please comment or vote. Please. But only if you enjoy it or want more. To the side is Rain, but imagine her slightly heavier, not fat, but bigger and with curly hair. like springy curls

The bell emitted a shrill cry over my head and I cringed, staying behind until everybody else in my class left. It would be stupid if I tried to get up along with everybody else. They would literally shove me out of the way and knock me over like last time when some girl pushed me and I hit my head on a desk.

          After I saw the last of the students empty out of the classroom I grabbed my books and headed out. “Bye, Mrs. Heart. Have a nice day.”

          “You too, Rain. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I nodded my head and left the classroom with the first smile I've had all day. I’m not exactly her best student, but she helps me every Thursday after school to try and bring up my grades. It’s not like I ‘m not trying, I really am, but not everything comes easily for me. The only thing I’m good at is drawing, but that didn't help considering art isn’t a subject.

          I managed to make it to my locker without being harassed by people I didn’t even know. The overly assaulted locker popped open after I set my combination and I exchanged my books for the ones I needed for afternoon classes.

          I closed my locker gently, not wanting to damage the locker that has already been through too much. People vandalized my locker all the time, breaking the lock and stealing some of my stuff. The school replaced my locker with a new one, but I have a feeling it won’t last long. For some reason I seem to be everybody’s target to bully. It doesn’t bother me like it used to, I’ve learned to ignore it.

          I popped earplugs in my ears as I headed towards the library for lunch. As I opened the door to the library I immediately headed to the librarian behind the computer.

          “Hi, Miss Hansen. Are there any books for me to put away?” I asked, settling my school books on the counter. I usually helped the librarian or drew in my sketch pad during lunch since sitting in the cafeteria isn’t an option.

          “Actually, there’s a few. You don’t mind putting them back on the shelves?” she asked sweetly. She turned around, took off a small pile of books from a cart and slid them across the counter in my direction.

          “Not at all! Are there anymore?” I asked while trying to balance the books in my hands.

          “No, that’s all for today. It’s a shame no one reads actual books anymore. Everyone’s into all those fancy Kindles and Ipads.” She rambled, shaking her head in disapproval as she started typing something on the computer in front of her.

          I nodded my head, “I prefer to be able to hold the book and turn the pages. Plus, it helps me see how far I am in the book.”

          “Oh, I’m so glad someone agrees with me!” She laughed. She has a tendency to talk a lot, but I’m the same way.

          I left her to tend to her work in peace and turned my music back up. The first section I went to was fiction so I could scope out some good books at the same time.

          I hummed the tune to Pink Floyd softly to myself, careful not to draw any attention. Not many people hung out in the library, everyone ate in the cafeteria, but I stopped eating in there a while ago. My peers found it amusing that I sat alone and took it as an opportunity to verbally attack me. So after an extreme humiliation where I was forced to run home crying, I decided it was best to skip the cafeteria and eat in here. The librarians didn’t mind, I never made a mess I didn’t clean up.

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