Chapter 35

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“And this is DJ. He’s actually a DJ so he just goes by that.” Blake introduced.

          I smiled as kindly as I could, hoping I looked polite enough. Luckily Blake introduced me so I didn’t have to talk yet. My tongue felt swollen.

          “Damn, dude, you did good.” The guy with the gages smirked. “Turn around will ya?”

          “What the f*ck, Randy?” Blake shoved him to the ground and kicked him in the jaw, too fast for me to follow. I gaped in shock and tugged on Blake’s arm, knowing he wouldn’t risk hurting me.

          He backed up and spit on the guy, wrapping an arm protectively around me and tugging me inside the restaurant. The waitress took us to a table in the back and eventually the rest of the guys shuffled in.

          “Blake.” I sighed. “That was uncalled for.”

          “He wanted to see you’re a*s, Rain.”

          “And you don’t?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and hoping to change the subject. He liked my bum and he knows it. He has one hand on it right now.

          “What?” he growled, “I’m your mate.”

          “I know, I was trying to change the subject, but it didn’t work.” I whispered, suddenly very self-conscious as all the guys found seats across from us. “Just try not to think about it okay? You know how many girls check you out? You think I don’t feel insecure?”

          I left it at that and smiled at the guys seated round us, noticing there was only one girl, making me extremely nervous. I had no idea Blake had a female friend.

          “Sorry about that, Rain.” Randy gritted out. “I was just testing your man.”

          “It’s fine.” I laughed it off, but really I didn’t like what he said any more than Blake did. He rested his head in the croak of my neck and kissed it softly, reminding me that he didn’t mean anything, but only wanted to protect me. I smiled up at him as he pulled back and kissed his check, turning back to my menu.

          “So, Rain.” One guy covered with tattoos started. It was hard to remember their names since they all seemed the same. “We heard you liked this guy for a while now.”

          I winced and played with my skirt, a nervous habit of mine. “Yeah, since I was little. I wasn’t around any other guys besides my brothers.”

          “Why the hell would you like this guy?”

          The guy smacked Blake over the head and punched him in the arm before grabbing him in a head lock. I winced, hoping Blake didn’t get upset and lash out. I understand it was a joke, but Blake wants this to be formal for some reason.

          “Quit it,” Blake growled, pushing him into the guy on his other side and putting his arm around me. I smiled to myself and glanced at the girl looking over the menu. I wanted to know if there was something between them, like old friends with benefits, but I would never ask Blake that. He’ll probably leave me for her.

          “You ready for the big day?” the only guy without visible tattoos asked, leaning forward on his arms.

          I shook my head and played with skirt some more, letting Blake’s hand slither to my mid-thigh and rub his thumb gently. “Really, really nervous.”

          “No bridezilla?”

          I shook my head immediately. “No, I‘m not like that.”

          “Well, I guess we’ll see.” The girl spook up irritably, glaring at me and playing with her hair. I frowned, wanting to know why Blake would invite her, but kept my mouth shut. If they’re friends, I have no right to say anything.

          “Can I start you off with some drinks?”

          The waiter smiled at us, taking out a pad and pencil and writing down our drinks as we read them off. He smiled widely down at me when I told him a diet soda and he put his pad in his apron.

          “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

          I turned back to my mate and smiled lovingly at him, pecking him on the lips. He still seems tense and I’m honestly not sure why when I’ve done nothing to betray his trust.

          “You okay?”

          He nodded his head and tucked some hair behind my ear, smiling like he was the luckiest man on earth. “Of course.”

          I smiled and turned back to the table, immediately shrinking back when I realized they were all staring at me. Don’t all mates have special moments like that? Did I do something wrong?

          “So I guess you’re all coming to the wedding?” I asked, grabbing Blake’s hand and holding it in mine. He interlaced our fingers and moved our hands so that they were resting on his thigh.

          They all nodded their heads except for the girl, who rolled her eyes and groaned. Blake didn’t send any of them invitations, he simply called them over the phone and invited them. I wanted to send out the invitations Chloe made, but he told me not to waste them on his friends.

          “Like hell I’m going to watch my boyfriend marry a slut like you.”

          I flinched for many reasons, not quite sure why she thought Blake would be her boyfriend. We’re mated, for crying out loud. How could he possibly be seeing someone without me knowing?

          “Excuse me?” I almost growled, keeping my temper under control as much as I can. One thing Jackson has taught me since I first shifted is that I lose my cool easily, especially when it comes to my mate. So I’ve been trying to keep calm as much as possible and practicing coping skills when I see someone flirting with Blake.

          She leaned forward in her chair, glaring at me and barked, “My boyfriend is marrying a whore, I don’t want to be there for it.”

          “Well, feel free to leave then.” I growled. “Because clearly you got the wrong guy.”

          She laughed mockingly. “He never told you, did he?”

          I glared hard at her as Blake slammed his fist on the table, growling so loudly at her, his whole chest vibrated. He narrowed his eyes and ordered, “Shut up, Jess. It’s over with. Clearly it was a mistake inviting you here.”

          “Like hell I’m leaving. I want to see the look on her face when she finds out what we’ve been doing behind her back.”

          I turned my glare to Blake, suddenly feeling a physical pain in my heart. I didn’t need an explanation; it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he would want someone better than me. I always expected it.

          “We’ve been doing nothing behind her back. We’ve been doing nothing at all, Jess, so shut your f*cking trap and get the hell out of here.”

          I dropped my eyes to the table and let go of his hand, getting ready to stand up, but he stopped me. “Rain, listen to me-“

          “No, I get it.”

          “No, you don’t.”

          “Good-bye, Blake.”

          “Rain, wait. You’re not going to even listen to me?”

          “It’s okay, Blake. I understand.” I stood up and grabbed my bag, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I don’t know how I haven’t seen it sooner. I’m so stupid.

          “I hope you liked it, Rain.” Jess called after me. “He learned everything from me.”

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