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The only reason he was in this situation at all was because his stupid landlord raised his rent. Two years he had been living on his own, perfectly content while attending classes at the university, and now he had to get a flatmate if he wanted to keep the apartment.

He had met with several potential flatmates but hadn't liked any of them. Though, that could be because he wasn't fond of people in general. Only one more person had responded to the posting, so he hoped that whoever it was would be a good fit. It was then that the doorbell rang, startling Nico.

A tall, blonde greeted him, on the whole looking pretty average. They shook hands and completed the awkward small talk before they both stepped into the apartment. Will, the potential tenant, followed closely behind Nico the entire time. The tour wasn't long as the flat wasn't huge, merely large enough for two people to coexist without too much problem.

Will liked what he was seeing, and figured this could be a great arrangement. It didn't hurt that the other tenant was down right gorgeous. Flopping down on the couch like he already lived there, he started off the inevitable conversation. "What are your ground rules, boundaries, the likes?"

Nico was thankful Will wanted to get straight to it instead of more dreaded small talk. "I take several night classes, so keeping the noise down in the morning while I sleep would be greatly appreciated. I like to keep the place clean, I don't mind cooking, and I don't mind if you have friends over but if possible, a little heads up would be appreciated."

"So is it safe to assume that I got it?" Will inquired hopefully. This was his last apartment on his list to check out, and he was running out of time.

"Yes, I think we will get along fine, and you seem like a decent person. One step out of line and you are gone though. No warnings." Nico saw Will gulp and nod his head quickly. He could be intimidating whenever he needed, despite his being not very tall. "So now that we've got that out of the way, any boundaries or rules you would like to set?"

Will pulled out a list from his pocket. "Sorry, there isn't actually much on here, I just have a terrible memory, so I write everything down. People sometimes get a little put off when I pull out my lists. Basically, I'd prefer if you knocked before entering my room, for starters. I'm a terrible cook, but I'm great at washing dishes, and I don't stay up super late because I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn for classes. I would appreciate a little bit of quiet in the evenings because of that."

Nico relaxed a little. "Sounds like we won't be seeing much of each other, but yes, your room is yours. You don't have to worry about that as I am a very private person as well." With that, he pulled out the single key on a ring and dropped it into Will's open palm. "Welcome roomie."

Will grinned. He had a house, his life was coming together finally, and a lot of the stress that had been weighing on his shoulders was finally released.

- - - - -

Maybe this won't be so bad after all Nico thought to himself after two weeks of living with Will. He had barely seen the blonde. Nico was in charge of cooking, and did so before his class, eating on the way. Will would get home shortly after, and clean up the kitchen after eating. They had eaten all of two meals together. There were traces of him everywhere though. The clean dishes piled in the sink when he got back from class. The mirror still slightly steamed after Will left for class when Nico got up and showered, and the stupid TV channel.

Flatmates - Solangelo AUWhere stories live. Discover now