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"What time is your exam?" Will asked Nico as they were sat at the island, both with multiple papers in front of them. They each had their own pair of headphones in because Will wanted to listen to eighties music and Nico insisted on classical.

Nico didn't hear him, so Will decided to scare him. He grabbed his textbook and dropped it loudly on the table right in front of Nico. He didn't get the response he was looking for though, as Nico simply looked up after a minute and removed an ear bud. "Sorry, what?"

Will sighed in defeat. "What time is your exam?"

"It's in..." Nico looked at the time on his phone. "Shit! I have to go right now." He jumped up from the counter and grabbed his keys, putting on his hoodie while he slid on his shoes and headed out the door.

Nico drove as fast as he could to the university. Thankfully it was a short drive and he stepped into the classroom just in time to get his pens out before the exam started.

The test paper felt incredibly thick, but thankfully this teacher was fond of multiple choice and short answer. Nico hated when teacher's included questions requiring a page or more of writing. Sadly, that was a large part of university, so he just dealt with it.

Time ticked away slowly. Several students had already gotten up and turned in their exams, and Nico followed suit shortly. It was great to step out into the cold air after sitting in a room full of anxious, stressed students. Soon the cold air stopped being enjoyable and was simply cold. He stopped by The Moose before heading home, grabbing a coffee for himself and a drink for Will.

Will was in the exact same spot as Nico had left him, except now there were a package of cookies by him as well. "How was it?" He called out without looking up.

"I don't think I failed, but I honestly have no idea how I did. I have a good grade in that class though, so it shouldn't be too bad. I brought you a drink." Nico handed Will the to go cup and pulled himself up onto a counter.

"Thanks. How many midterms left for you?"

"Only one more, thank goodness." Nico sipped at his coffee and watched Will study, bored. He should start studying for his exam in the morning, but if he looked at one more textbook at the moment, his brain would melt. Will looked like he felt the same. "How many exams do you have left?"

Will had already written several, as it was nearing the end of mid terms. "I have my last one this evening. I need to leave in an hour." Nico decided he would make supper now so Will would have something to eat before his exam. Nobody wants to write an exam on an empty stomach.

He had made enough dinners in his life to be able to do so somewhat efficiently. Tonight he decided stir-fry, wanting to try out a new recipe he had found online. He got to work chopping vegetables and slicing the meat while he could hear Will typing away at his laptop and flipping through pages. The room was otherwise quiet.

Nico pushed a plate in front of Will. "Eat. All you've eaten today was cookies. You need to get real food into your system." Will was in no position to decline, nor could he refute the statement. The apartment had been chilly all day, so he was grateful for the warm food.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving this weekend?" Will tried to make conversation while they ate. Nico shrugged.

"I usually go over to Hazel's for the day. Nothing special, but I cook and she makes a homemade pumpkin pie. We usually just watch movies the rest of the day."

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