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The smell of coffee instantly assaulted his senses. The Moose was quiet as Nico entered the campus' café before class for lunch. "Good morning, what can I get you?" Will asked without looking up. Nico ordered a smoothie, knowing he should eat but not feeling like he could stomach much else.

He grabbed it and sat at a table in the corner, back leaning against the chair and facing the door. He saw Will head over to him with a sandwich. "I didn't order-"

"It's mine." He interrupted, taking a seat across from him. "Mind if I join you?"

"Do I have a choice?" Nico raised an eyebrow as Will shook his head and bit into his food. The smell of the fresh bread made Nico's stomach churn. "How were classes?" He attempted conversation.

Will held up a finger, swallowed his large bite of food, and stole a sip of Nico's smoothie despite his protests. "They were good. I get to go watch a surgery at the hospital tomorrow."
"What's the operation?" Nico asked, intrigued. He enjoyed watching surgeries. There were many similarities but many differences when it came to comparing it with his line of work.

"Just an appendix removal, but it'll still be cool. Have you watched any autopsies?" Will asked him as the bell above the door chimed. Nico waited for Will to get up and help the student, but he just waved his hand. "Kayla's got it."

"Oh, I didn't know she worked here, but yeah, I've seen a few, besides the ones I would look up on the Internet when I was bored as a child. Next year I'll be able to assist and get a job a morgue or funeral home, but I'll stay in school."

Will almost spat out his bite. "You watched autopsies as a child because you were bored?" Nico shrugged.

"I liked dead bodies and watched a lot of murder mysteries. They mentioned autopsies, so I looked it up, thus my fascination, and now career goal, began. Didn't you ever watch stuff like that?" Nico asked innocently. He just assumed it was a typical boy thing growing up. His friends at school all liked blood and gore, though he didn't recall them watching autopsies for fun. Perhaps it was a bit odd.

"Aside from in TV shows, no. I guess each to their own, and it turned out to be useful, so I can't really judge your childhood entertainment choices." He laughed loudly, and Kayla who was now at the counter, looked over questioningly. Nico ignored her.

Nico slurped the last of his smoothie before standing up. "I've got to head to class, see you at home." He threw out his cup and nodded to Kayla as he passed her, leaving the building and walking across campus.

Just before Will headed back to work, he got a text message. He read it and his heart raced. He felt like all the blood had drained from his body. Telling Kayla that he had to leave early, he ran to his truck and drove home.

- - - - -

"Will? I thought you were working?" Nico called out as he entered the flat, only to run directly into Will who was putting on his shoes and balancing a bag in his hand. Seeing his face, Nico grew concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked gently.

"Aurora was rushed to the hospital, heart problems. I'm going home for a bit to help. Mom says doctors haven't spoken to them yet." Will held back the tears. He hadn't been around Aurora much, but she was his sister, and he didn't want anything to happen to her.

Nico wasn't sure how to comfort him and felt like a fish out of water. "You're not driving like this." He grabbed Will's keys off the counter. "Give me five minutes and I can take you."
"I'm perfectly capable of driving, Nico. Give me my keys." Will asked, holding out his hand for them but Nico remained stubborn.

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