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Once Christmas has passed, the cold and snow always changes from enjoyable to unbearable, even if the temperature hadn't changed in the slightest. Will whole-heartedly believed in this philosophy. They were still on break for another week, and he was dreading the beginning of classes. The break had been perfect and he wasn't ready for it to end.

As usual, he was up, dressed, and had the coffee on before Nico managed to drag himself out of bed, still in sweats and whatever shirt or hoodie was lying on the floor closest to him. His hair was more of an unruly mess than usual, and it was impossible to get five words out of him before he had his coffee, unless he was issuing one of his death threats. "Good morning Nico." He called out as he entered sleepily into the kitchen.

"Buongiorno." He mumbled. Will enjoyed how Nico would slip into his native tongue when he was really tired. He assumed that phrase meant good morning, but he wouldn't put it past Nico to actually be saying 'go to hell' or something like that.

There was always a noticeable shift after Nico's first few sips of coffee. He would sit up straighter, move quicker, and run his fingers through his hair to tame his bedhead. It was like this every morning between them, not including the three weeks after Thanksgiving when they could hardly be in the same room without one of them throwing an insult.

"Seeing how the Boxing Day crowds should be gone, I was going to run to the mall to pick up some books, if you felt like getting out of the house." Will offered as Nico began to mix up some chocolate chip pancake batter.

"Gods yes. The shop just opened again so I still don't have my freakin car. Please, get me out of this flat before I lose my mind."

Will tried to be as quick as possible in the bookstore, but it was hard. Nico didn't seem to be complaining. They had left their flat shortly after breakfast. He picked a book off the shelf, but the title was in extra loopy cursive, and he couldn't get his brain to focus on what it was saying. He handed it to Nico. "What's this called? The font sucks." He asked, swallowing his pride.

Luckily, Nico seemed to have problems with it too. "Either 'The Moony Eyed Man' or 'The Loony Thighed Can' but it might also be 'The Crooney Rayed Pam'."

Will put it back on the shelf, not sure if any of those titles were accurate or not, but none sounding all too interesting. Whoever designed that cover should have been fired.

Will ended up spending all his Christmas money in the store, leaving with four new novels. He didn't mean for it to happen, it just kind of...did. Neither of them felt like walking around the rest of the mall, so they left. Nico wanted to go to Art 'n Soul, so Will drove, following Nico's very poor directions. It took them ten minutes to get there when it should have only taken three, but Nico kept forgetting to point out the turns until after they had passes them which made for a lot of back tracking.

"When do you start working again?" Will asked as he parked the truck. He unbuckled, wanting to come in with Nico this time and check it out.

"Same day school starts." He replied. Nico held open the door for Will, letting him enter first.

Will was in awe. The outside and inside of the building were complete opposites. Everything looked incredible sterile, and all the shelves of supplies and books and paints were organized to perfection. "See?" Nico nudged Will's shoulder. "Not a mafia front." Definitely not, Will agreed.

A short, elderly lady with bright purple hair, piercings covering her ears, and tattoo sleeves on both arms came up to them. "Nico, dear! How lovely to see you again. I was hoping you would drop by. I have a little something for you." She said.

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