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Nico walked from his lecture to the library. He had three essays due by the end of the week, and he really needed to get going on them. There was a sharp jab on one side of his ribcage and he turned around, pinning the offender to the wall, glaring at them.

Until he recognized the blue eyes staring at him and the familiar golden curls. He could feel Will's breath, and as soon as he noticed just how close their faces were he released him, stepping back and trying to get the red of embarrassment off his face. That's what he decided the blush was for, anyways. "What the hell?"

"Hi?" Will smiled sheepishly, pushing himself off the wall.

"What are you even still doing at school? Didn't your classes end hours ago?" Nico grumbled.

"Just got off work, figured I'd find you and give you this." Will held out a coffee, which he had surprisingly managed to not spill during that ordeal. "Got the order wrong, and didn't want to waste it." Will shrugged.

Nico grabbed the drink feeling bad for yelling at the blonde. "Sorry. I'm just stressed and tired. Thanks."

"It's no problem. Anything I can help you with?"

"Umm... No, I'm fine." Nico decided, about to head into the library. Will followed though and persisted.

"Are you absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure?"

"Well, if you really wanted, could you please go get me some food? I haven't eaten since breakfast so I should probably eat."

"What do you want?" Will asked, after giving him a disapproving look for his dietary habits.
"Surprise me, thanks." Nico let out a small smile and tossed his wallet to the blond. Will walked back out of the library and Nico found an empty table near the back and got out his books and laptop.

He was immersed in his work, coffee finished, when a sandwich was placed in front of him. "You need to be better about remembering to eat." Will stated, taking a seat across him, handing him back his wallet.

"I have a hard time eating when I'm tired." Nico shrugged it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of nothing.

"You're always tired." Will deadpanned. Nico ignored him, taking a bite and continued to type. Will still hadn't left.

"I'm not going to be great company right now." Nico pointed out.

"Honestly, I can't handle driving right now, so I'll just hang here until you're ready to go, if that's all right?" Will said, leaning back and sticking his feet up on the edge of the table.

"Everything good?" Nico asked, looking up from his screen. Will nodded.

"I'm just not a huge fan of driving when my anxiety is this bad. Been a bit of a rough week."

"I can do this at home so you don't have to stick around waiting for so long." Nico put his stuff in his bag and quickly finished the last bites of his food.

"Don't you have one more class?" Will asked hesitantly.

"You're more important." Nico stood and waited for Will to unfurl himself from the chair. "Truck or car?" He asked when they reached the student parking lot.

"We can take your car, I'll just take the bus in the morning."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'll just drop you off on my way to work." Nico pulled out of the lot as Will changed the station. Nico decided to stay silent about his lack of appreciation for his music choice. They were almost home when Will turned and looked at him.

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