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Nico woke up in a great mood. He had had a dreamless sleep, and it was his favourite holiday tomorrow. He threw on the closest hoodie and headed into the kitchen, starting his Halloween playlist as he made breakfast.

'Boys and girls of every age

Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see

This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Pumpkins scream in the dead of night'

Will entered the kitchen yawning. "You know it's not actually Halloween yet, right?" He started the kettle and began to make coffee.

"Until November 1, it's okay to play Halloween music. Are you going to any parties tomorrow night?" Nico asked, dishing up two plates and handing one to Will, who had finished pouring the coffee and tea and sat at the island, sliding Nico's cup to him.

"Wasn't really planning on it, but if you find any good ones I'll consider it. Do I have to dress up?"

"That's literally the entire point of Halloween. Dress up and eat junk." Nico rolled his eyes and shoved another fork full of eggs into his mouth.

"I thought you didn't eat junk. What are you dressing up as?"

" Holidays don't count, and I haven't decided yet, I have to choose between three. Do you have any costumes?"

"Two years ago I bought a clown costume because it was only three dollars, and who can walk away from a deal like that, right? Only problem is that I don't think I packed it because in the two years I've owned it I haven't worn it once besides trying it on." Will shrugged and got up to put his dishes in the dishwasher and wash the pan.

Nico finished his own food, dealt with his dishes, and retreated to his room. After twenty minutes of careful deliberation, which was really just staring at the costumes for twenty minutes before spinning around in a circle and wearing whatever costume he pointed at, he had decided.

- - - - -

Halloween night couldn't have come any sooner in Nico's opinion. Their flat got several trick-or-treaters, children from the rest of the building. During supper Will had agreed to go to a party with Nico, as long as Nico was the designated driver. Nico agreed, not mentioning that he didn't drink anyways so it wasn't much of a sacrifice. Now both boys were in their respective rooms getting ready.

Nico's costume wasn't complicated, and didn't take long, but his makeup was another story. His costume choice required quite a bit of work in that department. He'd never done much makeup when he'd dressed up in the past, but seeing how it was just another form of art, it shouldn't be too hard. He had no idea what Will would dress up as, and he hoped it wouldn't be too lame of a costume considering this party was known for it's attendee's commitment to the holiday.

Will was sat in the living room in a bathrobe and a yellow scarf. "Whoa! You look awesome! How long did it take to put that costume together?"

Nico smiled sheepishly at the praise. "I bought the suit at a thrift store, then painted the stripes and added the collar from an old shirt. It was actually really easy. You're costume screams last minute and no thought however. Follow me."

Nico led Will into his room and dug through his closet for the Hogwarts robe his friend Reyna made him wear one year. Finding it and handing it to Will, he said "Change into this. The party we are going to takes dressing up seriously. You can't go in a bathrobe."

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