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Nico woke up with a stiff neck, aching back, and fifty-six text messages from Will, two hundred from Hazel, and a million missed calls. Nico didn't feel like dealing with Will yet, so he opened the ones from Hazel. They all said the same thing, just in different methods, threatening his death if he didn't respond right away. As soon as he did, she phoned.

"Nico di Angelo where in hell have you been? I have been worried sick, thinking you dead or abducted. What were you thinking? Have you no disregard for how-" Hazel said all this in a single breath, and wasn't planning on finishing her rant in the foreseeable future if it hadn't been for Nico interrupting.

"I'm fine. I stayed at a motel last night."

"Why on Earth did you run off and stay at a motel? You were meant to stay at Will's." Hazel no longer sounded angry, now that she knew her brother was safe, and was now relieved but confused.

"It doesn't matter. I'll probably catch a bus back today, would you pick me up from the station?"

"It does matter, but I will drop it until I can talk to you in person. If I were you, I would let Will know that your body hasn't been left in a ditch in the middle of no where." Hazel hung up after that, leaving Nico in the quiet of the room. His fingers were itching to draw, but he had a hard enough time with his essay last night, let alone with holding a pencil. It only served to make him feel more trapped.

He knew he should let Will know he was alive, so he sent him a text, but when Will called, he hesitated before answering. After a quick mental debate, he figured it was better to answer and get it over with.

"Hello?" Nico said quietly.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was when I woke up and you had disappeared? What happened?" Will wasn't mad, or upset. His voice was shaky, but quiet.

"I'm sorry, rough night. I just needed to get out of the house. I can drive you to the hospital if you need, I can be there in thirty."

"Don't be ridiculous. You take the time you need; I am perfectly capable of driving myself. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'll walk over and meet you at the hospital. I can't stay for long, though. Hazel needs me back." Nico lied. While he was talking to Will, he had packed up his textbooks and put on some clean clothes.

"I'll pick you up, where are you staying?" Will asked and Nico gave him the name of the motel. After a promise to be there shortly, they hung up and Nico took his stuff to the lobby to return the key.

Nico was leaning against the building, bag on the ground when Will's truck pulled up, cutting the engine. Nico got in, putting his bag in the back. Will didn't start the truck though, and reached in the console to pull out his first aid kit. "Give me your hands."

"Will, it's fi-" Nico protested, but Will cut him off.

"Nico. Give me your hands." Nico held them out hesitantly and Will grabbed the pair of tweezers, picking out the rocks that Nico had been unable to pull out. He cleaned it and wrapped it. "What happened?"

"I fell, it's not a big deal." Nico pulled his hands away and looked out the front window. "Come on, we should get going." Thankfully Will complied and they drove to the hospital in silence. Nico was hoping Victor would either stay in the room or be at work. He didn't doubt that his threat was serious, but Will was his friend and Nico was here to support him. Will had enough on his plate right now, he wouldn't add to it.

Flatmates - Solangelo AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora