Birth Of The Water God(Misty)

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It is spring once again, and in spring it always rains. For some reason I feel like I have more energy, and the inn keeper says it's because of my clan origins being from Farraige. Not much is planned for today and for some reason I find it odd that I write in my journal in the morning but it is always fun to look back on the dreams I've had. Last night I dreamt that I was a beautiful queen controlling a small country shrouded by trees and surrounded by beautiful beaches. I am looking forward to today with a smile, until later… Tah tah! - Misty"

Misty, a beautiful girl who has long flowing brown hair that reached the top of her lower back, and deep brown eyes that you would get lost in for hours if you even made eye contact. She is a gentle girl who keeps a cheerful disposition and loves to be surrounded by her friends. Most of her clothes consist of blue dresses or skirts and cotton blouses or t-shirts that are designed for a comfortable fit and relaxation.

Misty emerges from room 203 and walks down the stairs toward the kitchen. Misty says with an enthusiastic tone, "Goooood morning all!" She looks around to find that no one is in the kitchen but the stove is still on. "Strange, it's not like Ms. Katie to leave a warm breakfast for me still cooking. I wonder where she went." Misty walks into the dining room and notices that no one is there either. "Hmm… was there supposed to be a town meeting today that I didn't hear about?" Misty says quietly to her self. When Misty opens the door the light from the sun blinds her for a short moment and her vision returns gradually. "The world is so much more exuberant whenever the sun is shining so brightly!" After a few seconds of admiring the world's subtle beauty Misty overhears talking to the east and heads toward it. Misty finds that the town's people were throwing stones at a few prisoners that had been caught. Misty tries to push her way to the front of the crowds, eliciting angered remarks from the others, to see what was going through the town. "Hey quit pushing girl!" "Whoa! Quit shoving and learn some manners!" Misty gets to the front and catches a quick glimpse of a man with ripped shirt and pants, a tattoo of a hydra on his right shoulder, and a scar on his stomach that looks even more toughened do to his abs. "Who is that ominous looking man and what did he do?" Misty asked a random bystander. "A man was caught in a tree hut just outside of town and he had a whole bunch of stolen products with him." replied a woman nearby. "Ah I see, so are they just going to give him a small warning and make him return the products he had left or throw him in jail?" The woman replied, also pondering what the outcome would be, "Who knows but for a filthy thief like that he'll probably get a flogging! I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of those underhanded Tartaruseans." Misty looked up at the woman with curiosity and asked, "What is a Tartaruseans?" The woman chuckled and replied smugly, "They are the scum of the world who hide in the shadows and commit crimes wherever they end up at."

Misty watches the man as he finishes passing through the streets and off into the jail. "Hmm, maybe later I'll go see who that guy is and what he is." Misty walks off towards the jail after the crowd has dispersed. The sun has started to go down and as Misty passes an alley and is suddenly grabbed by a large figure and constricted by her arms and legs. Five men have nabbed Misty and held her down tight. "Quit wriggling girl! This'll be over fast." One of the men grabs her purse and starts rummaging through it. "Oh come on! Only six copper pieces? Fine, just rape her and let's get out of here." Misty closes her eyes and embraces for what will happen next. Misty feels a release of pressure from her arms and legs; she opens her eyes to see the five men fall to the ground and one man standing with a sword drawn and the moonlight gleaming off of it. This man stood with his back to Misty but what she could see he had a black waist wrap that looked like the bottom half of a robe attached to his waist, long black pants and black boots, no shirt, his hair was white and down to his neck. The man turns his head slightly for the moonlight to show that his mouth was covered by a mask and his dark eyes were calm. He said in an assuring voice, "you're safe now, go on with what you were doing." Misty, a little confused, replied, "Wait who are-." Before Misty could finish her sentence, the man spread these dragon-like wings and jumped up and flew off.

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