Hunter Of The Sea

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Misty boards the boat and looks around at the rest of the passengers. She sees a young woman with long, blonde hair and in a flowing yellow dress. She also spots a man in a black hooded robe with his arms crossed staring off into the horizon. A crew member walks up to Misty and asks, "Are you the last passenger?" Misty quietly nods to the crew member. The crew member raises the walkway and the boat sets sail. Misty goes down below deck and finds her room. "Room 08, I wonder who my roommate is." A girl opens the door and bumps into Misty. "Oh, pardon me I was on my way to the kitchen, the chef came by to everyone's room and said he make a good casserole."

"Oh, well if its food than your definitely pardoned. Could you show me the way to the kitchen though?" Misty and the young girl head off to the kitchen a sit down at a table together. "So, what is your name?" Misty asked the young girl. "My name is Alexandra." Alexandra was dressed in shorts and a yellow shirt. "It's nice to meet you, Alexandra. You seem very energetic and outgoing."

"Yes, being one of those soft-skinned girls didn't appeal to me too much."

"Well it is good to break the barrier." The man in the black robe walks through the door and hands a note to the chef. "Now that guy breaks the barrier." Alexandra whispers to Misty. "Do you know him?"

"No, he's never come into the Inn so I don't know anything about him." The chef says something to one of his helpers and he goes to grab a dish that was covered up. "I wonder what's in the dish." Misty whispers.

After their dinner Misty and Alexandra go to their room and talk for a while. After Alexandra falls asleep Misty decides to write in her journal. "Today I set out on a trip to Tartarus. I sort of wish I could have met that winged man one more time before I left, but hopefully we will run into each other in the future. My roommate on this ride is very laid-back and funny. All the people here seem really cool, and I might talk to them and learn more about them. Although there is one guy I'm interested in the most. He is in a black robe and doesn't seem like he talks much. All in all the food here is great and I'm really going to enjoy this trip. Tah tah!—Misty"

Misty closes her journal and walks out of her room and onto the upper deck. "Wow, the stars look amazing from the ocean, and they bounce off the water so beautifully." Misty looks up to see the robed man staring off into the horizon once again. Misty approaches him and hesitates before talking. "D-do you like star gazing?" The man turns his head in a manner that seems as though he is looking at her. The man looks back off into the horizon and as he turns the moon shines on the lower half of his face revealing a facemask. Misty gasps and starts to ask another question. "Are you the m-." Misty is interrupted when the boat jerks to a stop. The captain rushes out of his cabin and rushes over to Misty and the hooded man. "Is this what you were expecting? Whatever we hit sounds extremely dangerous." "Don't worry, I've got this covered." The man's voice is the same relaxing, strong voice that Misty had heard the night she was rescued. A tentacle emerges from the water. As the tentacle falls down to crush the ship the man jumps up, drawing a sword and slicing the tentacle. The severed half of the tentacle drops off the other side of the boat. As the hooded man lands back down on the ship he turns to Misty. "You're from the Farraigan clan, are you not? Do you know how to heal?" Karen looks down at her hand and points her palm at him and blue circles surrounded him. "Good, now I won't worry about fighting him. Rise, the almighty…" A squid's head emerges from the water. "Kraken!" The man's body is shrouded in black for a short moment and his clothes change into those on the night he rescued Misty. He points his sword at the moon and chants, "Ich fordere Sie, Befugnisse der Schatten, verbessert durch den Mond macht, mir Befugnisse der ein Engel geben!" Translated into, "I call upon you, power of shadows, enhanced by the power of the moon; grant me the powers of an angel!" His wings emerge, and his hair becomes long and pure white. He flies out towards the mighty Kraken attempting to strike his forehead. Kraken swings one of his last seven tentacles at him and knocks him out of the sky. "No!" Misty shouts worried as the man falls from sight. The man rises back from the water. "O.k. I underestimated you a little bit, but that won't happen again." He creates another sword in his left hand and flies around the kraken slicing his tentacles along the way. The water, now turned dark red became infested with sharks had become increasingly dangerous. The man rises to face the Kraken before he strikes him down, but the Kraken called forth a strong wave that rocked the boat and Misty fell overboard. The man turns quickly and dives down to rescue Misty, but she had already broken through the surface of the water. The sharks had dove down to get Misty. "No!" The man shouts, and stops. His eyes go completely white, and he raises his arm into the sky. A black ball is generated above his hand and he aims it downward into the ocean. A ray shines straight down to where Misty is and creates a tube that protects her. He flies down and grabs her. He flies back up and sets her softly down on the deck. He turns and rams a sword straight into Kraken's head. Rays of black shoot forth from Kraken's head and in a blinding light he is gone. The water clears, the sharks disperse, and he lands back on the deck of the boat. People start to collaborate around him. He pushes through the crowd and picks up Misty. "Are you o.k.?" He notices she is unconscious, picks her up and pushes through the crowd to get her to her room. He sets her down on the bed and places his hands over her body and creates a force-field. Misty opens her eyes a little bit. "My name is Leo, and yes, I do like to star-gaze." Misty smiles softly and falls back asleep. Leo gets up and walks onto the upper deck. He makes his way over to the edge of the ship, dangles his feet off the side of the boat, places his arms on the fence, and gazes off into the horizon once again.

As the sun starts to rise, Leo stands up and heads for the lower deck. On his way to his room he passes Misty's room and pauses for a second and thinks, "Should I check on her? No, she needs her rest. She was almost killed because of me after all. I really should have gotten my own boat and did this myself and not have endangered anyone." He continues on to his room, lies down, and falls asleep.

Misty dreams of sitting on a beach, her toes in the water watching the sunset. Leo comes up and sits down beside her. He puts his arm around her and she places her head into his neck. They finish watching the sunset together and she closes her eyes. He picks her up and carries her to a house on the shore. He places her down on the bed and lies down beside her. She rolls over and puts her arm over him.

She wakes up from her dream and sees Alexandra painting. "Good morning, Alexandra." Alexandra looks up from her pad and smiles at Misty. "You silly thing, it's almost the afternoon. You must have had a great dream, see." She turns her pad toward Misty. Alexandra had painted a picture of Misty sleeping with a soft smile on her face, and snuggling her blanket. "You rolled over and cuddled your blanket and said someone's name, I think it was Leo, or Max, or something with a Z sound." Karen chuckles quietly to herself and replies, "The name of the robed man, his name is Leo. While you were asleep he fought the Kraken. It was incredible you should have seen it. He is so sweet, gentle, and not to mention good looking." Alexandra and Misty laugh for a little bit and Misty stands up and stretches. "Well, I'm going to the upper deck to watch the ocean, want to come with me or will you stay down here?"

"I'll stay down here, I don't really feel like doing much today." Misty walks upstairs and sits down on the back of the ship. A man walks up behind her and greets Misty with a short and excited, "Hi!" Misty, hoping it would be Leo so they could talk to each other and get to know each other better, turns around quickly to see who it was. It was a short, stalky boy with short, red hair, a blue t-shirt, and khaki jeans. "Oh, hello, who are you?" Misty asks the boy trying to hide her disappointment. "My name is Luke, nice to meet you."

"Hello, Luke. My name is Misty. It's nice to meet you as well."

"I'm a little nervous about saying this, but you are very cute, do you want to grab something to eat with me?"

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry at the moment."

"Oh, that's fine then. I'll see you some other time than." He gets up and walks off slightly hanging his head. "Man, after rejecting him I feel like I'm a really cold person, but honestly I didn't know much about him anyway. I guess it's because I'd rather it have been Leo instead." Misty thought to herself feeling a little guilty.

The captain breaks Misty's train of though by shouting, "Land ho!" The call elicited a lot of ruckus down in the lower deck. Misty had a hard time getting back down there to get her luggage. She pushes her way through three people and bumps into Leo. He smiles softly and hands Misty her luggage. "I figured you would be upstairs when we reached land. You probably passed Alexandra on your way." Misty turns around and starts to head out. The passage is blocked by a few people rushing to get out. "These people just can't wait to get to a new land can they? The boat is going to be here for a while and still they run for the exit." Leo says quietly to Misty as he places his hand on her back to keep anyone from pushing him into her and knocking her down. "Whoa, his hand is really warm." She thinks to herself. Misty and Leo get off the ship and Alexandra greets them both with a smile. She hugs Misty and softly whispers, "I hope you two get along well, and you were right, he is sweet and not that bad looking." Misty smiles at Alexandra as Alexandria steps to the side and hugs Leo real quick. "I hope you have fun on your trips." Alexandra runs off into the mass of people and disappears. Leo looks straight ahead and then down at Misty. "Do you have enough money for you to buy a room at an inn?"

"Actually, I was hoping to travel along with you. I came here to learn about tartaruseans and the rest of the world."

"I'd be happy to have someone accompany me. I will tell you though that I will do some things that you can't join me on, but I'll take you around as much as I can."

"Oh, that'd be perfect."

"Well next we are going to the center of Tartarus, the town of Blackrose." Leo looks down at Misty to see if she agrees with his plans. She smiles at him and nods. Misty and Leo walk off through the town and into the forest.

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