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Lance and Sarah arrive at Erathia and step off to see that the town is deserted. A woman runs by screaming, "Run, he's going to cause another earthquake!" As predicted the ground shook and a small building two blocks from the port collapsed. The two run toward the house and arrive to see a man floating in midair, standing on a rock. He was dressed in brown slacks, no shirt and no shoes. His hair was short and brown and had a furious look on his face. "I am the evil emperor, Brock! Tremble like the earth quakes as you hear my name!" "Good, we've already found the next person we were looking for." Lance says to Sarah. Brock spreads his arms and the rock underneath him shatters and rains down upon the town's people around him. Brock drops down to the ground and punches it and causes a shockwave to knock the people down. "That's right, kneel to me you pathetic whelps!" "That's enough!" A woman's voice erupts from the crowd. A blast of wind knocks Brock down. "How about you kneeling down and leaving these people alone!" The woman jumps into the air and is carried by the wind in front of Brock. She is dressed in a long green dress. Her eyes are a beautiful emerald green, and her hair long and golden. "Skylar you cow, why are you here?" She swings her hand and knocks him further back with a blast of wind. He stands up and encases his arms in rock. He throws a punch at her, and she dodges the punch. "Don't you know you're not supposed to hit a girl?"

"Chivalry is overrated."

"Good, then I won't feel bad about beating you senseless." She blasts him back again with wind. "Oh, come on. Can't you do anything but push me?" He throws a rock at her that she slices with a sharp blade of wind. "You're like a stupid minnow, Brock. I'm just playing with you before I end your life." Brock gets angered and grows brown wings that look a lot like Shaydas' wings did. He stomps the ground and a rock spear emerges. He places it in his hands and lunges forth at Skylar. She dodges his jab and swings her arm and slices him with a sharp wind blade. He swings his lance and knocks Skylar to the side. He stabs her in the right shoulder, and she blacks out.

Lance approaches Brock, "Hello, we need your help to find an artifact. Can you take us to the shrine of the gods please?"

"Sure, it's in a cave deep in the forest."

"Have you noticed that all of the continents have a giant forest on them that we'll end up having to go through?" Lance asks Sarah, bringing her into the conversation.

"Hah, I never really thought about it but yea, even on Pyro there is a giant forest surrounding the volcano."

"Alright, let's head off toward the cave." The three head off into the cave. A man walks over and picks Skyla, and she coughs and whispers, "That man, don't be too mad towards him. He is an orphan and grew up angry because everyone here had a family. He's just a little mislead and I'll help him figure out his path." She blacks out again and the man carries her off to the nearest hospital.

The group arrives at the cave and enters. Lance looks around and there is nothing in there but empty space. Brock pushes a large rock in front of the entrance of the cave. "Hah, I knew you'd show up here, god of light. Now, I've captured you and will gain infinite power when you die!"

"You fool, that's if you kill Skylar, the goddess of wind."

"I don't care I can still boast that I killed you."

"You didn't kill me you weak fool all you did was lock me in this stupid cave. When I get out here I will tie you up and make you get me my artifact."

"Hah, I'd love to see you try, Lance!"

"Gladly," Lance raises his arm and the rock dissolves. He walks out of the cave and knocks Brock in the head with the hilt of his dagger. Brock falls to the ground limp and unconscious. Lance ties him up and creates a light wagon to carry Brock on. "Let's go Sarah. We'll find the shrine of the gods with or without him." Lance and Sarah head back into the town and search for Skylar. They gather some information and find that she is in the hospital recovering from the fight. They enter the hospital and walk up to Skylar. "Hello, Skylar. We've had a small run in with Brock, and he is going to help me obtain one of my artifacts. We would really enjoy it if you would tell us where the shrine of the gods is." She doesn't open her eyes but proceeds to talk, "You're Lance right, the god of light?"

"Yes, that's me."

"You can go ahead and kill me now, because I will never tell you where it is."

"I'd rather kill a fighting opponent. We'll just find a map in the library and guess at where the shrine is." Lance leaves the hospital and the group heads for the library. Upon entering the library they ask where a map might be found. The woman at the counter just hands over a map from behind the counter and the group heads out. "So, I think the shrine could be at this cave on the beach."

"Lance, that's all the way on the other end of the island. I wish there was a better way to get there faster." Lance turns around and faces Brock. He slaps him a bit to wake him up and asks, "Alright, how did you grow your wings?"

"Hah, like I would ever tell you, you scum." Lance draws his dagger and places the end on Brock's throat. "You will tell me, or I will kill you."

"I would take your bluff if I knew you needed me alive for your artifact, but since you're desperate enough to try this I'll tell you that it is called 'Angel Form.' Your power doubles and you grow wings. I'm sure that it is the strongest you'll ever get."

"Thanks, I'll try to figure out what I need to do from here." Lance turns and walks one step, but stops and coughs up blood. "What did you do to me?" Brock chuckles and replies, "I met a gypsy before you arrived, and she told me that you would be coming today and I bought a poisonous bomb that would harm people only from the Light Clan. Gladly the pretty woman with you isn't about to die." Lance coughs some more and keeps walking. "Whatever, it won't kill me before we get to the shrine."

"I'd be wary if I were you. That gas could kill you in minutes, especially for you being a god." Lance coughs up more blood and drops to her knee. "Curse you Brock. I need to get to that shrine. I must get there. If I get the artifact then I shall be one step closer, and I will kill that scum, Leo. I will never accept he is better, never!" Lance glows a bright white and he coughs one more time and sprouts his wings through his armor. He wipes his mouth and stands, "So, it was determination then. And it seems that my vitality has increased and the poison is no longer flowing through my veins."

"That was way too quick for you to figure that out."

"Shut up, Brock."

"Why Lance, has your anger increased as of late? You should definitely be careful or that will overpower you." Lance lifts Brock and Sarah and flies off toward the other end of the continent. They arrive on the sandy shores and walk into the caves. Lance sets Brock down on the circle in front of the Ground God statue and its starts to glow. Lance repeats the chant from Pyro, "Oh god of all elements, Isabella, I bring forth the powers of fire to unlock the ancient artifact I seek for my elemental war." A set of plate legs fall at Lance's feet. He picks them up and his whole outfit changes. He is now in a white plate chest and leg armor that is trimmed in gold, his cape remained the same. His dagger had transformed into a sword and his hair grew long and golden. "I have transformed, now after I get the final artifact, I will be able to obtain my ultimate abilities." Lance teleports with Brock, leaving Sarah behind, to a shrine completely surrounded by black. "I know I shouldn't do this because I'm helping Leo get his ultimate powers, but I would like a fight in the end." Lance beheads Brock. His blood spills unto the floor and the statue of the Rock God glows brown. Lance teleports back to Sarah and they head off to the port. "Our next stop is Aerian to wait for Skylar to kill her and aid me in obtaining the final transformation." Lance and Sarah head off to port and set sail toward Aerian

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