Terrible Kingdom

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A young boy sits in a throne, dressed in a white cloak that looks as though it would belong to royalty. A butler walks into the throne room and kneels at the foot of the throne. "Your young highness the queen wishes for you to join her in the dining room to discuss your punishment for your inappropriate actions last night."

"I don't care what she says, she's not my mother! Besides, I did nothing wrong, but speak the truth."

"Sire, I don't think calling the Tartaruseans scum would be considered the truth. In fact many-"

"Those actions were not done by the Tartaruseans! Only Tartaruseans lovers who are blinded by their smooth talk. Besides, those scum killed my parents."

"Alright sire, I won't argue your hate against the Tartaruseans. The queen still needs you in the dining room."

"Fine, I'll go. One day she will die and I'll inherit this castle and I'll wage war on the Tartaruseans and destroy them all." The young boy stands up and walks out of the room and into the dining room through a door on the right of the throne room. A guard walks over to the butler and helps him stand. "That Lance will surely lead this country to destruction before we know it."

"That may be, but I have heard rumors of an underground group that might be able to help us. Shall we go and ask them what they offer?"

"Yes, we shall stop Lance's evil rule before it begins." The two walk out of the castle and into the town. They start asking people in back alleys for any leads to the underground association. After several hours of no leads they stop and wonder why. "Why is it that no one will tell us of the underground? Even the way some people acted gave away they were with it, but what is it that we can't get anything out of them."

"I don't know, are you sure the person in the castle… Wait! It's our clothes. Looking like people from the castle no one will tell us anything to refrain from getting in trouble."

"Oh, yes that would make sense. Let's go to a clothing store." The two change into normal clothes. The butler in a wool knit hat, green pants, and a dingy blue shirt. The soldier was in a tank top revealing his muscles and ripped shorts that went a little ways past his knees. "Alright, let's go and find the underground." The two ask around and the third person they came across gave them the information they needed.

"Alright, you two aren't with the castle are you? There were two suits walking around here earlier asking too many questions."

The butler chuckles softly, "I saw those two; they even asked us about the underground. I guess they don't take too many census counts because we are new here. Just came in from the country. We left our farms to come to a city and live a more simple life. We met on the cross roads on the way here and quickly became best buds, and soon to be neighbors. By the way, on a scale of 1 to 10 how are the women around here?"

"The women average around 8 most of the time. I like the cut of your jib mate, what's your name?"

"My name is Mark and this here's Davy."

"Well Mark, Davy, welcome to the underground! Follow me to our club house and we will initiate you." They follow the man to a house in an alley. "By the way pal, what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Alexander. You will soon be calling me by 'The Wolf'."

"Well Alex, it's nice to make your acquaintance."

"Heh, you too pal." He knocks on a door, and a slot opens and a man behind the door says, "Which is the animal that scampers in the sunlight tonight?"

"The wolf jumps the moon at noon with two cubs." The door opens. "Ah, Wolf it's you. Here with two newbies huh?"

"Yes sir, these two just moved here from the country."

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