Birth Of An Angel

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Leo, Misty, and Tom are gathered around a boiling pot in the middle of a room. "Luke, I planned for us to go on a trip today as part of our training."

"Where are we going master?"

"All of us are going to Illuminaria. I'm going to test you and Misty's skills in a fight against Lance's. There will be no use of weapons in the fight so nothing goes wrong."

"Did he agree to this fight, master?"

"No, but he will eagerly accept it when we get there."

"Oh, he has an inborn hatred of the Tartaruseans."

"Yes, he believes we killed his parents although since he is a god incarnate he never had any to begin with."

"Oh, so he himself doesn't know what he is?"

"Maybe, that or he found out but still hates us because he thinks it is his destiny."

"So, maybe we can convince him otherwise?"

"No, not now but maybe in the future."

"Alright then. Do you think afterwards we can visit the shrine of Leo?"

"Why do you want to go there?" Misty jumps into the conversation. Tom and Leo look at each other. Leo stands and steps back a few steps. "Karen, my real name isn't Luke. My real name is Leo. I've been keeping it a secret just in case you tried to hurt me." Misty's eyes widen. She stands up and looks at Leo. He puts his hands in an X position to protect himself against Karen. "Don't worry Leo. We've known each other for about a year or two now I know you well enough to not believe that man who told me you killed my parents." Leo drops his arms. "But Leo, if you ever hide anything from me again I will pop you one!" All three laugh and finish drinking their tea. They change into their clothes and get ready for the trip. Leo in his black robe and Misty in her blue one. They meet Tom in the hall of the school and head for the boat. On the boat Misty heads to her room, Tom heads to his, and Leo sits on the deck with his feet hanging off the edge looking off at the horizon. Sunset soon comes and Tom joins Leo. "You know, almost one hundred years ago you fought the "Stalker of the Seas" Kraken and protected Misty at the same time. You did it easily and didn't even ask for anything in turn. You just put your robes back on and enjoyed the rest of the trip."

"How do you know that?"

"My father was on this very boat when Leo came through. Actually I believe they stayed in the same room. He said Leo never talked. Seemed like he was always thinking and acting like he lost something very important and had been searching for it for a very long time."

"Lost something? Master, did Leo have wings?"

"Yes he had wings and they allowed him flight."

"Oh, I know what he lost."

"Really? What was it that he lost?"

"He lost his family."

"But, he was a god incarnate he didn't have a mother or father."

"No not them, he lost his love and his child. I saw them one night in a dream. I was flying over the ocean and came down and touched it. I arrived at a small Island that had a castle on it. I saw his wife and daughter."

"Do you remember where that island is?"

"No, why?"

"Well there is an island that is protected, and has been for a century, by a dark dome. Anyone who gets too close gets turned around, put far away, and loses their memory. Only some people see it in the distance and know it's time to turn around. I actually think we can get to that castle."

"How is that?"

"Tell me Leo, is there something you really want? Want with all your heart?"

"I do want to find out more about my past. I want to figure out why the gods are having this war. I think about it some nights and I don't think it's right."

"Yes, keep going."

"I really want to know what Leo found out about everything before he died." As Leo kept going on about what he wanted a black mist accumulated around his back. Wings erupted from his shoulder blades. The mutation hurt Leo. He screamed as loud as his young lungs could let him. He fell on the floor of the deck and passed out. Tom picked him up and carried him to his room.

Misty enters Leo's room and sits down on the bed next to him. She brushes his hair back and watches him sleep. Tom comes into the room with two cups of tea. "How is he doing?"

"He's alright, his breathing returned to normal and he's only having a bad dream here and there. What happened that made him collapse?"

"He activated his angel form."

"His angel form?"

"Yes, it is one of two stages that god incarnates can undergo. The two are angel form and the recently discovered demon form. The angel form is activated by the god incarnates determination. It also seems that demon form is brought upon by a near death situation."

"How did we come to find out about the demon form?"

"Lance activated it. It seems two of his workers hired an assassin to kill him and when the assassin threw a knife into Lance's chest the demon form activated. We were lucky that the other person that hired the assassin wasn't in the same room and looked through the keyhole while it happened. He fled to Tartarus and told me about it not too long ago. I came up with this adventure to see if Leo can activate it as well or if it is primarily obtainable by a negative god incarnate."

"This all sounds really complicated." Leo's voice softly breaks the conversation. "Oh, Leo! I'm so happy to see you're alive!" Misty hugs him tightly. "Glad you came to Leo. How much of that did you hear?"

"I heard it all. It broke through my sleep and into my dream so I listened there."

"Alright, well you should be able to activate angel form again without the pain. Do you want to try it out?"

"Yes, let's go up on deck and see if I can fly." The group walks out onto the top of the ship and Leo stands in an open area. He closes his eyes and thinks as his wings grow from his back. He opens his eyes surprised at not feeling pain as Tom had said. He bends his knees and jump into the air. He starts coming back down and flaps his wings trying to land. It slows down his landing and he gets in position to try again. He leaps back into the air and flies like an arrow straight into the clouds. He comes diving from the sky and skims across the water, back into the air, and lands on the deck. "Master I did it I flew!"

"Yes you did Leo, congratulations." Floyd turns and looks off to the side of the ship. We're half way to Illuminaria and there is the island that is blocked." He points off at a small castle in the distance. "Do you think you can get there Leo?"

"I'll definitely try Master."

"Good answer, take this." He hands Leo a sword. "This is a magical sword that I had found in the shrine of Leo. It is a sword that changes to match the skills of its wielder. Unsheathe it and try it out." Leo pulls the sword from its sheath. "It looks like a simple sword."

"It's supposed to for a bit." The sword's hilt glows and blue sparks swirl around Leo's arm. They come back to the sword and it turns into a spear. "See, it just needed to register you into its memory. Your weapon will stay that way until someone else wields it or your skills change."

"So, even if I get good with using a spear it might change into a spear or axe?"

"Correct, using a spear increases your accuracy and ability to swing large objects. It could stay as a spear or change to a hammer, axe, or bow. Now, use that weapon to protect yourself if needed in Leo's castle."

"Yes Master, I'll return to you with what I find." Leo runs and jumps off the boat and flies into the distance

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