Chapter 3 - Just a Nightmare?

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Becca's POV:

I woke up from what felt like a very heavy and good sleep. But I remember something from it. I remember being dressed like Ghost. The person I class my dark side as. I remember it. I think, it must have been a nightmare. I could never turn into someone like that all dark and sinister. Definitely a nightmare I don't want again. I have breakfast and get ready for another day of school. I don't feel right. Something is bugging me. I don't know what though. It can only be that nightmare last night. I get into school. To find Chazzy Magee (Charlotte).

"Hey Chazzy" I happily say to her.

"Hey" Chazzy says back.

"I had the worst nightmare last night. I dreamt that I was Ghost and I was part of something and had to kill someone. Someone got there before me tho and it was horrible." I said it with some disbelief and also oblivious that Jordan had arrived in school as well. He looked just as confuse as I was.

"That is a proper weird dream." Jordan says in this soft and caring tone, but it was a tone I knew well. The tone of something on his mind. I knew he liked me and all but this was bigger. This was a very big thing.

"Are you ok? What's the matter?" I ask in a very curious tone. He needs to spill it!

"Nothing is wrong." Hey says this in a way that he is still thinking. "I'm just thinking about that dream, how weird it is. Was it the complete Ghost outfit?" He asks with a serious tone.

"Yeah, with a demon symbol and another logo on my hand." I say this in fear of what he is going to say or think.

"Hmm. It's definitely interesting." I swear this is his favourite phrase. He cheered up after that and then the rest of the gang turned up and I tell them the dream. Then me, Lauren and Shanice go to our art lesson.

We go into art, our art teacher, Ms Chinnock, was again very strange and yet again let us draw what we wanted. But today it was only me, Lauren and Shanice that were allowed to do this. This was severely strange for Ms Chinnock. She never let's us do what we want normally. I look up to see her back to me, what a surprise, but there was a tattoo on her back. kinda looks like the one from my nightmare...A..E. Maybe this is where that logo came from. Or there is something strange going on.

"Shanice, Lauren. That's the logo from my dream. That's what was on my hand." I whisper quietly so Miss couldn't hear.

"What does it mean..." Shanice starts to ask but Lauren finishes it for her.


"Idk, but something fishy is going on. Did any of you have weird dreams last night?" I ask with a bit of urgency.

"Umm... No I didn't." Shanice said bubbly.

"Nope" Lauren stated.

It came near the end of the double period and we had done... Not a lot. We drew what we wanted. Shanice and Lauren drew some anime but I drew Ghost. The nightmare Ghost from last night.

Jordan's POV:

We all met up for break and Becca explains her nightmare more and then also explains what she saw on Ms Chinnock's back.

"What could AE stand for?!" She asks with massive curiosity and I cant help myself!

"Accident and Emergency!" I start laughing as I say it then receive a slap around me head! Typically that was Becca.

"I'M BEING SERIOUS!!!" she says this with anger and eyes fully stern and focused on me.

The biggest problem is that I know what AE stands for. I couldn't tell her. That's part of the contract. I liked the girl I really did. But I couldn't go out with her nor anyone with a secret like this. Could you imagine it. Hey babe, I'm an assassin at night! I don't think any girl would like that. But to keep it from all your friends as well is hard. But surely Becca would never be chosen. Especially on the basis that there is another assassin i.e. Me in the same place. I needed to leave and gather my thoughts and to try and work out how she had this dream!

Shanice's POV:

I saw Jordan leave with a face and expression of guilt and sadness almost like he couldn't take something anymore and had a massive guilt trip for someone. I gesture to my cousin on whether I should go with him but he immediately put his hand up to say no and left quietly without anyone else noticing.

"Something's wrong with my cousin, he looks sad and depressed. He should be happy shouldn't he. I mean Rowan's not in school so he can't pester or annoy him. We should try and speak to him." I say with a bit of worry.

"Come to think of it he wasn't like himself in Geography and History." Jessie pointed out.

"No, he wasn't sarcastic nor happy." Charlotte backed up the statement.

"It's like he can't have or do what he likes. Almost like he has no freedom in his life." Lauren convincingly said to us, "I mean it's not hard to work out he likes you Becca but has he ever posed the question of dating you?"

"No, not one word of a question" Becca said with a bit of confusion.

"That's definitely odd. I mean if we want something then we just ask, but Lauren's right he doesn't ask about anything. He just let's everything slide and almost plays along." I had the last words in the conversation as the final bell went.

Jordan's POV:

I couldn't stay there. I should be happy I killed my enemy. The one who disgraced me and a friend of mine. I finished him but after 16 years of doing this. I'm not happy. I have no freedom. If anyone found out my secret then I would have no friends. Everyone talks about their dark side and say how they would be. My dark side is real and ... No one would think that it was me nor would be happy to be with me, a murderer, a killer, an assassin that kills people because he is told and forced to by his own blood. I can't help but think that this is the most lonely thing to do. Everyone says they would love to be an assassin from playing the games but it's nothing like it. You can't have a life because no one would like the other half of your life. The bell rings and I walk home alone and get ready for another night in paradise!

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