Chapter 16- The Realisation

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Ghost's POV:

I got back home. Still shedding some tears at the worry I had for Shadow. I can still see him in my head. Lead there, pale as a ghost. Not moving very convincingly.

Then I hear a sets of footsteps again. It was my four friends. But this time they were different.

"Look, we are all sorry for what happened tonight. We were under orders and we didn't really have a choice." Neko Thief apologetically said.

"Shouldn't you all be assassin egos now?" I ask worryingly.

"Yes but, what Jordan did was not only reset us. He changed us. He made us all realise who we truly are. We have, one mind that now controls both egos. Like you!" Blizzard explained.

"But what about Shadow. I don't know if he will make it or not. He was very pale and his movement was unconvincing." Ghost started to cry again on the though of losing Shadow, for good.

"We know what happened to him. And that's what we are sorry about. Because as normal we knew you two would be good for each other. But none of us could control our egos. Not until that moment of emotion that you displayed in helping him. That's what made our minds click. And now we realise that we are truly on your side!" The White Wolf calmly said.

"I just hope that he will make it. Otherwise... It will all be my fault!" Chara started to sob.

"Well, what's done is done. No one can deny that. But what are we going to do if he doesn't make it. What am I going to do?" I questioned.


Third Person POV:

A pale, lifeless body of shadow lay on his bed. Hi breathing. Well... That was shirt as if he couldn't get any. A figure walked into his bedroom. It was a masked figure. But they spoke to him.

"Oh dear. This is a shame. The mighty assassin. Æ's top assassin. Is dying. All because he couldn't let someone else die!" The figure stated.

Shadow couldn't speak his breath was not enough.

"Oh, no sarcastic comment! I'm surprised. It is probably the first time you had shut your trap! I still can't believe you actually killed yourself for that girl! I mean come on! There's plenty of fish in the sea for people." She paused. Then Shadow spoke for the first time after Ghost had left him.

"But she was the only one for me........... There are no other fish................. Not for me............... I wouldn't have anyone else..................... And it is your fault I will die.................... Because you couldn't leave people alone!............... You had to medal with my group of friends........ You couldn't give them normal lives like I wanted them to have........... And you know that promise.............well.............i am good at keeping wait and see!" Shadow faded after his speaking. It wasn't looking good. But all this figure can do is mock him in his fate.

"What are you going to do. Come back from the grave and kill me. You stupid boy! YOUR THE ONE THAT CAUSED YOU'RE DEATH. IT WASNT ME WHO DECIDED TO SAVE SOMEONE BECAUSE OF PATHETTICALLY BEING IN LOVE. YOU COULD HAVE LIVED AND YOU KNOW IT! I SEE YOU AT THE FUNERAL. IN YOUR DEATH BOX!" The figure shouted at Shadow before leaving.


Jordan woke up to see the morning sun but he was getting worse. He couldn't get the energy to move. But when he woke he saw figures hanging above him. Lauren, Jessie, Charlotte and Shanice were there. Then he had an extremely tight hug from his girlfriend who started crying as she did.

"You're alive! You're still here!!" She shouted in joy.

"But, he's looking worse than yesterday." Lauren observed.

"He can't even move!" Shanice sobbed.

Then to everyone's surprise, Jordan spoke.

"I will be fine. I don't think I will die. I just need a favour. I need someone to get me a chemical that I need to drink. That way I can move around but I will still be dying until its full effects. But I need it to keep a promise that I made." He spoke, like he was dying gasping for air to try and complete his sentences.

"What's the promise?" Becca asked.

"The promise does not concern any of you. It's some private business that I need to seal a deal on. It won't affect you in the slightest." Jordan had convinced the group.

Jessie and Charlotte went and got the chemical from the local pharmacy. They came back and handed it to Jordan.

"Look, we are sorry about what we done last night. It was wrong of us. We didn't have control of our egos and we couldn't stop ourselves. We would like to thank you though. For making us control our egos from that act of care and love. Now we can control our egos we can make better decisions." Jessie explained.

Jordan took some of the chemical before speaking.

"It's fine. It was your job to kill us. And you almost succeeded. I forgive each one of you. Even you Chazzy. Even though you shot me, even though it was intended for me other half here, I still forgive you. You were doing your jobs. Might I mention you are all ruthless assassins in your technique." Jordan spoke with confidence as he started to stand up. He found it difficult to move but he found his feet quickly. Then Becca hugged him again.

"I love you, and I don't ever want to lose you!" She said whilst crying at the thought of almost losing her boyfriend.

"And I love you! And you will never lose me. Even if I die I will always be with you. My love will always be with you. Just don't forget it!" Jordan said in the most caring way possible. Then his voice turned very commanding.

"Right, now listen to me. None of you are to follow me. This doesn't concern you and you do not need to be a part of it. I'm locking you in so you can't be apart of it. I will be back but until then. Please stay here. I have some unfinished business to attend to!" Jordan said this as he turned into Shadow during the day!

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