Chapter 7- The Past Truth (Night Three)

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Text message to all AEs:

Tonight's target. BAILEY PEACOCK


Shadow's POV:

I look at the ever recurring text message. Another night. Another target. But tonight I don't have a plan to kill. Only to investigate. To make sure this rumour is true. I leave immediately and once at the address I set up camp and wait for the one person to show. I am a roof top away but hidden in the dark so no one can spot me. All I have to do now is wait for her to show.

Ghost's POV:

I read the text message on my phone. Bailey Peacock. I shall enjoy this. Killing an enemy that I hate. He is an absolutely annoying boy whom I have wanted to kill for a while. I get my stuff ready. All four knives. Check. Sword. Check. Myself. Check. Right let's go and hunt down some dirt bags.

Blizzard's POV:

The new target comes through the texting service. Who on earth is Bailey Peacock? Oh well. Everything I need I have with me so... Let's go and try and kill someone I guess. This person has no attachment to me what so ever. But it us my hob to go and kill. I set off in the direction of the address for the kill to take place. I don't run or jog though. I only walk.

The White Wolf's POV:

I get the text. Bailey Peacock eh? This one should be good. He is one annoying person and quite frankly I don't know how he has any friends. I check my inventory of weapons. A couple of swords. A couple of knives. And a gun. All there ready. And still not used. I cant believe that. I need to get there quick. Before that goon who keeps killing my targets gets there and shows me up again.

Chara's POV:

I receive a text. It's Bailey Peacock. I was wondering if they were ever going to kill him. Well, I'm going to kill him. I have all four guns and I had just finished reloading them. Perfect. Now I need to leave cos the distance isn't long but it's not short either. I leave with a look on my face that screams psycho!!

Neko Thief's POV:

I look at my phone. A target incomes on it. It's a boy! It's Bailey Peacock. The annoying runt will finally get what's coming to him. Constantly annoying us in the past. And now its time to repay the favour. IN BLOOD! I need a tire for my car though. Well... What are neighbours for right. I jack a car up and steal the rim. I'm nice enough to give them my old flat tire at least. I bolt on the wheel and then start the car and I drive towards the destination.

Third Person POV:

Shadow lay still in the dark on a rooftop almost spying on the targets house. He had his plan. Whether it works is another matter. Then he hears movement from below. He sees a figure moving towards the house.

Shadow's POV:

I see this figure approach the house. They go underneath a street light and what I see can only confirm my suspicions. A dark character with a typical beanie. That's Ghost. That's Becca. Even in this form or darkness she still looks beautiful. The grades black hair with some red dip dye. Her face, well that doesn't change but her eyes are red. Almost the colour of pain and definitely some anger. She walks elegantly and suddenly starts climbing the wall of the targets address. It's definitely her. And I can only feel love and pain. All at the same time. That love for her. That never dies but the pain that her life will not be normal will also stay. That is what I tried to avoid. I wanted a normal life for her but not even that worked.

Ghost's POV:

I look around. I can't see anyone. No entry looks to have been tried. Perfect. I climb up to the window. It opens with ease. I jump in and try to find this Annoying Twat. Bedroom. He has to be. Nope. Not there. I look around and can't find him until I reach the office. He's there. Awake. I open the door and commence quietly. I then, out of nowhere, kick him in the head. Then I grab a knife. I then grab his arm and start carving a letter. MM by MM the pain got worse and worse for Bailey.

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