Chapter 2

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I tired my very best to show each personality of the Cullens and I hope I did okay with that!

As the boys dropped me off at the Cullen house I froze. Bella had mentioned that the Cullen's lived in a large house, but I didn't think that she meant this large! It was like a modern castle with the different floors and glass windows everywhere. I shook my head and lifted me and my bag up to the front glass doors. Just as I was about to knock a tall blonde figure opened the door
   . "You must be Avery. I'm Carlisle Edwards adoptive father". I felt my body go ridged as I glanced at him. Bella told me numerous times that the Cullen's were a gorgeous family, but I though she was just biased because of Edward but I could see for myself that I was dead wrong. This man looked like a god from an ancient world. I shook my head and reached for his hand.
     "Umm...yeah nice to meet you Carlisle. So where's the others?" I asked him. He smiled and led me into their living room. There I was greeted by four more god like creatures. The women with short copper hair stepped forward.
    "Hello Avery I'm Esme. Edwards adoptive mother". She smiled. Her voice was so elegant. I took her hand as I was overcome by a large being of immense power.
    "Emmett be careful with her!" The little petite girl requested. He rolled his eyes and put me down. I sighed and raised an eyebrow at him. He smirked.
    "I'm just greeting our new family member". He replied just smirking. I rolled my eyes.
    "I'm sorry about him. Hi I'm Alice and this is Jasper". She pointed to the man still in the doorway. His eyes were locked into mine as I could feel a jolt of electricity shot right through me. I shook my head and noticed him smiling up at me.
    "Hello Ma'am". He nodded I smiled back.

After the Cullen's, mostly Alice, gave me a tour of their house I got a text from Bella that she was back at Dads and that she wanted me to go see her. Alice reached for my phone and started typing.
    "Alice what-?"
She handed me back my phone and I growled underneath my breath. "What did you do?!"
"Bella needs her beauty sleep! So I don't want anything to distract her". I rolled my eyes at her. "And that includes you". I crossed my arms over my chest. "Okay so we're am I staying then?" I asked her. She smiled and handed me a key.
    "What's this for exactly?"
She nodded to the stairs. "There's a guest bedroom next to Jasper's that you can stay in. Jasper go show her". Jasper nodded and took my bag from me. I shook my head and followed him up the stairs. I sighed so much for getting to see Bella before she made a huge life changing discussion. 
    "Here we are. I hope it's alright for you". Jasper said. I slowly nodded my head.
    "It's fine". I replied. Jasper smiled and glanced over at me.
    "Are you not happy for your sister?" I turned back towards him and started to laugh. "No it's not that. It's just-"
Jasper moved closer me. "It's just one minute we're best friends who tell each other everything and the next she's off with some guy and getting married!" I shouted. Jasper nodded.
    "That some guy is my brother". He said. "I'm sorry I just don't want Bella to start a new life and forget about me". I sighed as Jasper put his hand over mine. I looked up at him. "Bella would not do that". He replied. I pulled my hand away.
    "How do you? From what I've heard she's been a very rash person ever since she's come here. I just hope Edward can handle her". Jasper nodded his head.
    "They have been through so much and I know that he cares about your sister with his own life". Jasper said. I pulled my hair away from my face and stretched out my arms.
   "I think it's best if I don't keep you up all night". I nodded.
    "Yeah". I laughed. "I don't want to see an angry Alice". Jasper chuckled. "No you don't". He said as he shut the door behind him.

And yes Avery's story takes place during the events of breaking dawn. And it's not word for word from the book or movie because I wanted it to feel more like my writing then Stephanie's, even though it's her book. So that's why.

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