Chapter 12

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"By the way has Jasper told you yet?" Bella said as we finished putting Renesmee to bed. I glanced at her confused as we descended the stairs.
"Told me what yet?"
She grinned at me and pulled me back up the stairs to a room that I didn't recognize. Entering it I found a large bed with purple covers and shelves filled with books. I turned back towards the doorway.
    "I thought vampires didn't sleep?"
"We don't, but you do". Jasper replied as he came up behind Bella.
   "I'm still lost here". I reminded them.
"It was Jasper's idea to have the bed brought in here. He wanted you to feel more at home". I pulled my hair over my shoulder and sat my bag down on the bed. Bella smiled at me and I smiled back. She then just left me and Jasper alone.
  "You did this for me?" He grinned staring at me and I turned my head towards the bed. I wrapped my arms around me and grinned as I felt a cold touch on my neck. Jasper kissed the top of my neck and I flinched. He smiled and placed his hand on my waist. "I'm sorry if I startled you ma'am". I shook my head.
   "It's fine. So you did this all for me?!" I smirked. He kissed my lips and I couldn't help but kiss him back.
    "I love you Avery and I would do anything to make you happy". He pulled out a small black case from his jacket and I gasped as he got down on one knee. He opened the small box and I smiled at the ring inside. It was so beautiful with the silver band and how it flowed away from stunning diamond on top.
   "Avery I love you and I want to spend the rest of my existence with you. There's nothing more then I want then to have you by my side as my beautiful wife. Avery Rose Swan will you do me the honor of becoming me wife?" Jasper asked me as I couldn't breath. Jasper had asked me to marry him! To become Mrs. Jasper Cullen. To become one with him until the end. I smiled as the tears poured down my cheeks.
   "Yes yes!". I cried. "I will!" I felt the room lite up as my fiancé pulled me into his arms and we embraced.
    "I love you". He whispered to me.
    "I love you". I said back. I brought my lips to his then wrapped my arms around him. We continued to kiss one another until Jasper pulled back.
  "It seems that we have company". Jasper said as he interrupted our kiss. He laid his hand on waist as Alice came galloping into the room. She winked at Jasper and pulled me into a hug. I sighed as I put my arms around her. It was no surprise that Alice knew without us telling her. She probably had already seen how it played out in her visions and from the way both Bella and Edward smiled at me she had already told them.
   "I'm so excited to have another sister!" Alice beamed with joy. Jasper leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Ah thanks Alice". I faked a smile. I loved Alice I really did, but at times she kinda went a bit overboard when it came to fashion and how you looked. I had never been really comfortable with how I looked and it was hard for me to accept who I was. It wasn't until Jasper came into my life that I started to really love myself for who I was and I thanked him for that.
   "Thank you all". I said. "You've really accepted me into the family and I really appreciate that. And I feel that it's only fair that I tell you all about what happened to me a few years ago". Jasper raised an eyebrow at me as Bella put her hand on my arm.
   "Avery are you sure?" You don't have to do this". The concern in her voiced showed me that I had to do this. Only our small family knew about this and now that I was going to be entering into a new one I figured that they had the right to know.
   "Bella's probably told you that back in high school I had a rough time. Well in my junior of High school I was abused by someone who I thought loved me". I tensed up. Telling them felt like it had happened all over again and I had to just breath.
   "Avery you don't need to do this". Jasper begged me. "Your in pain and I-"
    "Jasper". I interrupted him. "I need to. Trust me". "Alright". He nodded, but I could still feel the sadness in his voice. Sighing I continued on. "My best friend Josh at the time was also my boyfriend and I thought he truly loved me until a week into our relationship when he started abusing me. If I made him angry he would punch me. If I didn't do what he wanted he would-" I stopped as I could feel the tears build up.
Jasper's grip on my waist pulled me closer to him.
"Anyway it doesn't matter. What he did to me affected me a lot. I missed a lot of school and I really hated myself".
"I blamed myself for what had happened to me, but I knew it wasn't my fault". Looking up at my fiancé I smiled. "Meeting Jasper helped me realize that. He helped show me that I was beautiful". I noticed that the sadness in his eyes had vanished as I looked up at him. He was now smiling in his eyes.
   "I'm happy that my brother has made you feel this way. He's a really charmer". Alice said holding my hand.
   "I'm sorry for what he did to you". Edward spoke up. "If there's anything that you need from me or the rest of your family you need only ask". He added.
   "You said "your" family". I said. He placed Bella in his arms and looked from her to me. "You are apart of this family now Avery. Nothing is going to change that". He spoke. I smiled at him and let out a breath that I didn't realize that I was holding back until now.
   "Edwards right Avery. Your apart of this family and I couldn't be happier". Bella beamed as Alice spoke those words. Alice and Edward were both right. I was apart of this family and I couldn't have been happier.

Aah the proposal😍! I was waiting for this moment and now here it is! I hope you guys liked it and a wedding is coming in book 2 or 3. Will see...

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